Welcome to TV-Box Support! Our community is dedicated to fostering a respectful, inclusive, and collaborative environment for everyone involved in the development of open-source smart TV software.
At TV-Box Support, we are committed to ensuring that all participants can engage in our community without fear of harassment or discrimination. We embrace diversity and promote an environment where every individual is valued. We do not tolerate any form of harassment, bullying, or discrimination based on age, body size, disability, ethnicity, gender identity, expression, experience level, education, nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual orientation.
To maintain a positive atmosphere, we encourage all members to:
- Treat others with kindness, empathy, and respect.
- Engage in discussions in a constructive manner, valuing diverse opinions and perspectives.
- Provide and receive feedback graciously, focusing on growth and improvement.
- Take responsibility for one’s actions and learn from mistakes.
- Prioritize the collective well-being of the community.
Certain behaviors are strictly prohibited within our community, including but not limited to:
- Using sexualized language or making unwanted advances.
- Engaging in trolling, personal attacks, or derogatory remarks.
- Harassment in any form, whether public or private.
- Disclosing private information about others without consent.
- Any behavior deemed inappropriate in a professional or collaborative environment.
Community leaders are responsible for maintaining these standards and will take appropriate action in response to any violations of this Code of Conduct. If you experience or witness any unacceptable behavior, please report it immediately by emailing chunhthanhde.dev@gmail.com. All reports will be handled confidentially, and we will investigate each complaint thoroughly.
In cases of violations, community leaders may implement measures such as:
- Issuing a private warning to the offender.
- Placing the individual on probationary status with limited interaction.
- Enforcing a temporary ban from community activities.
- Permanently expelling individuals who demonstrate repeated or severe violations.
Together, we can ensure that TV-Box Support remains a welcoming and enjoyable place for all contributors!