Get Spyglass code:
git clone
Then drag and drop the Spyglass directory in your project.
To get the dependencies, get the submodules:
cd Spyglass
git submodule update --init --recursive
Then drag and drop the Base64/Base64 and OpenUDID directories in your project.
Note: Disable ARC for OpenUDID.m ( -fno-objc-arc ).
First, setup Spyglass server url:
[ACSpyglass sharedInstance].serverURL = [NSURL URLWithString:@""];
Optionaly, you can track the user:
[ACSpyglass sharedInstance].userIdentifier = @"black beard";
Start track events with:
[[ACSpyglass sharedInstance] track:@"Attack!" properties:@{
@"roll" : [NSNumber numberWithInt:arc4random() % 74]
Events have the following format:
- deviceIdentifier: a string, defaults to openUUID
- userIdentifier: a string identifying the user, to be set manually
- timestamp: an integer, number of seconds since epoch
- event: a string, name of the event to track
- properties: a dictionary, containing any extra parameters needed
Events are sent by batch regularly (10 seconds by default). Events are sent as JSON encoded in base64. Example:
{ 'deviceIdentifier': 'bd95a47b733e4e06dae8c55c7adb055b3e207e2b',
'event': 'Attack!',
'properties': { 'roll': 28},
'time': 1363203126,
'userIdentifier': 'black beard'},
{ 'deviceIdentifier': 'bd95a47b733e4e06dae8c55c7adb055b3e207e2b',
'event': 'Attack!',
'properties': { 'roll': 67},
'time': 1363203129,
'userIdentifier': 'black beard'},
{ 'deviceIdentifier': 'bd95a47b733e4e06dae8c55c7adb055b3e207e2b',
'event': 'Attack!',
'properties': { 'roll': 58},
'time': 1363203132,
'userIdentifier': 'black beard'}
The server should return a json with result and code:
'result': "ok",
'code': 0
If the code is not 0, the events are considered as not recorded and will be kept in Spyglass queue and sent again in the next batch.
The server should check for duplicates before recording any event.
install appledoc:
brew install appledoc
build the Documentation target,
the documentation will be automatically added to Xcode.
Run the server:
cd server
pip install -r requirements.txt
Then run the SpyglassDemo target from Xcode