Improvement from previous Modular Camera based Tactile Sensor Mc-Tac, with integrated circuit, optimized illumination, and biomimetic markers.>
We proposed a improved modular camera-based tactile sensor for robot gripper, with general adptivity, high-performance and integrity. Modular design make the customrized improvement and adaption possible and convinient, even for special operations and scenarios.
The struture is shown in following figure. This instance is design for Robotiq gripper, however we can easily transfer the connector to adapt the most of existing gripper with convinient configuration of parameteric structure design.
The real sensor and the sensing performance are shown in following, (a) and (b) are the both side of MCTac 2.0, and the (c) (d) (e) show the high-resolution (skin texture), shape detection and detail percetion ability of proposed tactile sensor: