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A fast HUSL color space converter for image processing with NumPy/Cython


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HUSL color space conversion

A color space conversion library that works with numpy. See to learn about the HUSL color space.

an image an image an image an image

License PyPI version


  1. Fast conversion to RGB from HUSL and vice versa. Convert a 1080p image to HUSL at 24 FPS!
  2. Seamless performance improvements with C+OpenMP, NumExpr, or Cython.
  3. Flexible numpy arrays as inputs and outputs. Plays nicely with OpenCV, MoviePy, etc.


  1. virtualenv env -p python3
  2. source env/bin/activate
  3. pip install numpy
  4. pip install nphusl

Usage Guide


from nphusl import to_husl, to_hue, to_rgb
import imread # for reading images as numpy arrays
img = imread.imread("path/to/img.jpg")

The basics

  • to_rgb(hsl) Convert HUSL array to RGB integer array
  • to_husl(rgb) Convert RGB integer array or grayscale float array to HUSL array
  • to_hue(rgb) Convert RGB integer array or grayscale float array to array of hue values
# convert to HUSL (HSL)
hsl = to_husl(img)

# convert to HUSL (just hue)
hue = to_hue(img)
np.all(hsl[..., 0] == hue)  # True, they're the same

# back to RGB
rgb = to_rgb(hsl)
np.all(rgb == img)  # True

Performance adjustments

  • To disable C/SIMD, NumExpr, or Cython optimizations, use nphusl.enable_numpy()
  • Enable specific optimizations with nphusl.XXX_enabled context managers or nphusl.enable_XXX functions.
  • For enormous images, specify chunksize to use less memory at once (e.g. to_rgb(hsl, chunksize=2000)). This is only useful without one of NumExpr, Cython, or C/SIMD optimizations enabled.

Example 1: Highlighting bluish regions

Let's say we need to highlight the bluish regions in this image:

an image

First, we'll load our image into a numpy array.

import imread  # a great library for reading images as numpy arrays
import nphusl 

# read in an ndarray of uint8 RGB values
img = imread.imread("images/gelface.jpg")

Blue hues are roughly between 250 and 290 in the HUSL color space.

hsl = to_husl(img)  # a 3D array of hue, saturation, and lightness values
hue, lightness = hsl[..., 0], hsl[..., 2]  # break out hue and lightness channels
bluish = np.logical_and(hue > 250, hue < 290)  # create a mask for bluish pixels
lightness[~bluish] *= 0.5  # non-bluish pixels darkened
out = to_rgb(hsl)  # back to RGB

At this point, the out image looks like what we'd expect:

this image

Example 2: Highlighting bright regions

This example shows the ease of selecting pixels based on perceived "luminance" or "lightness" with HUSL.

hsl = to_husl(img)
lightness = hsl[..., 2]  # just the lightness channel
dark = lightness < 62  # a simple choice, since lightness is in (0..100)
lightness[dark] = 0  # set dim pixels to completely dark
out = to_rgb(hsl)

This code gives us the light regions of the subject's face against a black background:

this image

Example 3: Melonize

As a completely arbitrary challenge, let's highlight small changes in hue. We'll walk along the HUSL hue spectrum in steps of 5 (the HUSL hue range runs from 0 to 360). As we walk through each hue range, we'll alternate our effect on the image's pixels to create green and pink striations -- a kind of "watermelon" effect.

from nphusl import chunk
hsl = to_husl(img)
pink =  0xFF, 0x00, 0x80
green = 0x00, 0xFF, 0x00
chunksize = 45
for low, high in chunk(360, chunksize):  # chunks of the hue range
    select = np.logical_and(hue > low, hue < high)
    is_odd = low % (chunksize * 2)
    color = pink if is_odd else green
    out[select] = color

This code gives us a melonized face:

this image

Our image looks a bit flat. This is because our transormation focused only on hue. The light/dark regions give the image depth. We can restore the image's depth by using lightness as a multiplier, and it's easy with HUSL 'cause lightness is a separate channel.

light_pct = lightness / 100  # lightness as a fraction of 100
out *= light_pct[:, :, None]  # multiply 3D RGB by 2D lightness fraction

That gives us the same melonized subject, but with dark regions that recede into the background dramatically:

this image

Finally, we can play with the chunksize variable to break the linear hue range into smaller pieces. This results in tighter, more melon-like striations on the subject's face. Here's the output with chunksize = 5:

this image

Example 4: Microwave

Now we'll microwave our subject by by using all three HUSL channels at once and MoviePy to make a GIF. To produce a microwave "melt", we need a function that will form hue waves, mask regions of high saturation, and make "drips" by sliding dark pixels downward.

def microwave(img):
    from nphusl import chunk_img  # break img into blocks
    hsl = to_husl(img)
    hue, sat, lit = (hsl[..., i] for i in range(3))  # break out H, S, and L
    rows, cols = lit.shape
    yield to_rgb(hsl)
    while True:
        for chunk, ((rs, re), (cs, ce)) in chunk_img(hue, chunksize=3):
            hue_left = hue[rs, cs-1]
            hue_up = hue[rs-1, cs]
            this_hue = chunk[0, 0]
            new_hue = (-random.randrange(30, 50) * (hue_up / 360)
                       -10*random.randrange(1, 10) * (hue_left / 360))
            new_hue = (15*this_hue + 2*new_hue) / 17
            chunk[:] = new_hue
            if new_hue < 0 and re < rows-1:
                if np.max(sat[rs:re:, cs:ce]) > 70:
                    lit[rs+1:re+1, cs:ce] = lit[rs:re, cs:ce]
                    sat[rs+1:re+1, cs:ce] = sat[rs:re, cs:ce]
        np.mod(hue, 360, out=hue)
        yield to_rgb(hsl)

Next, we assemble an animation from these the frame generator. MoviePy makes this easy. The animation should be a perfect loop, so we calculate the duration based on n_frames and fps.

frames = microwave(img)
animation = VideoClip(lambda _: next(frames), duration=10)
animation.write_gif("microwave.gif", fps=24)


Melonize revisited

By incrementing chunksize for successive frames, we can produce a nice "melonize" animation:

def melonize(img, n_frames):
    hsl = nphusl.to_husl(img)
    hue, sat, lit = (hsl[..., n] for n in range(3))
    pink = 360  # very end of the H spectrum
    green = 130

    def gen_chunksizes():
        yield from range(1, 100)
        yield from range(100, 1, -1)

    for chunksize in gen_chunksizes():
        hsl_out = hsl.copy()
        hue_out, sat_out, lit_out = (hsl_out[..., i] for i in range(3))
        for low, high in chunk(100, chunksize):  # chunks of the hue range
            select = np.logical_and(lit > low, lit < high)
            is_odd = low % (chunksize * 2)
            color = pink if is_odd else green
            hue_out[select] = color
        yield to_rgb(hsl_out)

Again, we can send this frame generator to MoviePy to make a gif.

frames = melonize(img, 360)  # 360 total frames
animation = VideoClip(lambda _: next(frames), duration=int(360./24.))
animation.write_gif("melonize.gif", fps=24)

This produces melon-hued waves across the subject's face. Since we concerned ourselves with the subject's original saturation and lightness values, these hue waves will appear to follow the contours of the subject's face.



A fast HUSL color space converter for image processing with NumPy/Cython







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