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Tadas Baltrusaitis edited this page Jul 13, 2019 · 1 revision

Docker building instructions

This image can be build with just docker, but it is highly recommend to use docker-compose as this greatly simplifies and improves the process.

Quick start

To start with the container hosted by the repo maintainer, run

docker run -it --rm --name openface algebr/openface:latest

This will drop you into a shell with binaries such as FaceLandmarkImg. For example, try this code (in the container):

curl -o tesla.jpg 
FaceLandmarkImg -f tesla.jpg

Then, copy the output to the host system (from host terminal):

docker cp openface:/root/processed /tmp/
cd /tmp/processed

Tip: On Ubuntu and other *nixes with X running, you can open a file directly like this:

xdg-open /tmp/processed/tesla.jpg


In repo root, run docker-compose build to automatically build and tag. There are two variables which can be used to modify the tag, $DOCKERUSER and $DOCKERTAG. DC will automatically tag image as ${DOCKERUSER}/openface:${DOCKERTAG}

OpenFace service (in progress)

To run OpenFace like a service, you can start the container with bind mounts in order to pass data into and out of the container easily. $DATA_MOUNT by default is set to /tmp/openface. This can be overridden by modifying .env file, setting it in your shell environment, or passing in before docker-compose at runtime. Note: output will be root owner.

export DATA_MOUNT=/tmp/openface
mkdir -p $DATA_MOUNT/tesla # this is just to ensure this is writable by user
docker-compose up -d openface && sync # sync is to wait till service starts
curl -o $DATA_MOUNT/tesla.jpg \
docker exec -it openface FaceLandmarkImg -f $DATA_MOUNT/tesla.jpg -out_dir $DATA_MOUNT/tesla
docker exec -it openface chown -R $UID:$UID $DATA_MOUNT # chown to current user
docker-compose down # stop service if you wish
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