This app is no longer actively maintained.
An attempt at making an Andorid remote controller app for Tauon Music Box. Its currently alpha quality with various bugs, but you may still find it useful in its current state.
- Navigate your playlists and albums.
- Remote control playback of Tauon Music Box.
- Play your library on your device by streaming from Tauon Music Box.
- Sync audio for offline playback?
- Play users local music files?
- Download and install the latest Tauon Music Remote APK v0.5.
- In Tauon Music Box, Enable the setting "Enable server for remote app" in Settings > Function > Page 4.
- Find your PC's local IP address (try
ip a
) and enter in app. Then if both apps are running you should see Tauon Music Remote then populated with content.
- Tap the track title at the bottom of the screen to "go to playing".
- App will crash when screen is rotated
- Need to restart app if playlist changes were made on server
- [Architectural rewrite needed]
- Move UI data to ViewModel/Livedata
- Move audio playback to service?
- Reload data when server data chagnes
- Consideration for tablet display sizes?
- Export playback control notification widget?
- [Tauon API] Security? Authentication?
- [Tauon API] Advanced search? Playlist generation?