Number Maze
Given a sqaure board with numbers at each tile, travel from the the top-left corner to the bottom-right corner using the following rules:
- You can only move Up,down, left or right.
- Move in the direction by the distance specified on the current tile.
- You must stay on the board at all times
After each move the game prints the number of moves needed to solve the maze from the current possition.
The game of black jack. For how the game works, please refer to this article
Word Guessing Game Server
This is a solution to the following problem from the Operating Systems course at JUB:
The word guessing game challenges clients to guess words missing in dynamically created phrases.
The game is implemented as a standalone server. After starting up and binding to a port specified
on the command line, the server accepts incoming connections from clients and it greets them by
sending a generic message.The client can send a quit message to leave the session at anytime.
The server obtains the phrases via the program fortune