This repo is a conglomeration of algorithms for competitive programming, data structure, sorting and related areas. It currently features C/C++, Python and some Java implementations. It contains many advanced algorithms like greedy, graph traversal algorithms, including Dijkstra's algorithm and Floyd Warshal algorithm, and data structures like queues, stacks, and binary search trees. Contributions are highly prized.
Use this repo to study or review your knowledge and don't forget to star and collaborate!
- Linear Search
- binary search
- Ternary search
- Bubble Sort
- Selection Sort
- Insertion sort
- Merge sort
- Quick sort
- Radix sort
- Bogo sort
- Dijkstra
- Floyd Warshall
- heap
- queue
- stack
- Array
- Linked List
- C++
- python
- Java
- C
- More to come
Please comment your code thoroughly as to make it possible for anyone to understand. If possible, check your code using unit tests. Avoid all the bad implementations, make your code as clean as possible. After that, find the folder that fits the category of your code and submit a PR. Star this repo if the information here is useful to you.
- for quick quidelines
- for structure of directories