This application is built with streamlit.
It allows for three major ways of detection:
* Detection by uploading image(s)
* Detection by uploading video(s)
* Detection using webcam
The streamlit library is used for building the interface of the app.
There are two major models(pre-trained) present in this project:
- YOLOv3
- YOLOv8
There are multiple files and folders in this project:
This folder contains all the necessary individual functions of the app:
- webcam
This function contains all the necessary codes for opening and displaying the detected images using webcam.
- video_upload
This function contains the codes for
- uploading
- saving
- and detecting videos only.
- image_upload
This function contains the codes to upload and detect images.
- settings
This file contains the necessary settings needed for each functions written in the functions folder to avoid repetition.
- helper
This functions contains various functions that aids the main app file outside the functions folder.
This folder contains local images used for testing the app.
This folder contains the different YOLO weights used in the project.
This is a `code` generated folder that will store the uploaded videos to be re-read for detection in the upload_video function.
This is the main file that contains the streamlit interface code and the calling of the various functions in the functions folder.
* Fork the repository/ download the zip file.
* Download the requirements from the requirements.txt file.
* cd into the directory.
* run the following command in your terminal/command prompt 'python -m streamlit run'.
* click on the link (localhost).
`Not yet available`