403 (1.4.71)
1.4.0 The Essential Features Update
Installation size will be significantly larger (X8) then Play Store. The apk aims for universal distribution.
Below are the features that have been modified or added.
- Disjoint Set.
- Genres.
- Synchronization.
- Backup And Restore.
- DSESS and Libretro Scraper.
- Wallpaper.
- Adaptive Color Theming.
- Logger And Daijishou Console.
- For more information view the release note.
- Improved layout.
- Improved RetroAchievements UIs.
- Improved RetroAchievements preload.
- Improved Google Drive Implementation.
- Improved playable detail view loading.
- Added guide button for game in Retro Achievements. (There are very few guides on RA for now)
- Added ability to associate an item to a RetroAchievements game.
- Fixed Retro Achievements unlocks not being fetched correctly.
- Fixed pin feature, alphabetic scroll broken when merge items option disabled.
- Renamed "Genre Widget" to "Category Widget".
- Improved UI/UX.
- Improved back to top navigation. (issue #686)
- Improved widget navigation.
- Added "Detail view on click" toggle (issue #686).
- Added pin button.
- Added Google KGSearch Scraper.
- Added ability to restore widgets.
- Renamed "Platforms" to "Library".
- Updated logger.
- Updated experimental features.
- Streamlined widgets creation.
Adaptive Color theming.
Disjoint Set.
Backup And Restore.