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Activity Report for Evan Toomey
Activity Report – Evan Toomey
Week of May 28 to June 3, 2024
Issues: None
Activity Report:
Streak Length - Streaks are counted on shown individually on each task - Review
60 minutes
- I reviewed all the commits that modify the streaks. I fixed a couple of bugs with the streak animation not stopping or continuing if a used unselects a task with a streak of one, or not updating the streak count. I also added the streaks to the tasks in the calendar tab.
June 3 @ 10:09 PM moved to Done
Task Calendar - Calendar shows tasks for selected day - Review
20 minutes
- I reviewed all the commits that modify the calendar tab. I also tested the feature to make sure that it worked and was up to date with the task list at all times.
June 3 @ 10:32 PM moved to Done
App theme - Theme completion - Review
20 minutes
- I reviewed all the commits that modify the app theme in the settings tab or theme context provider. I tested the switches in the settings tab to ensure the user could only select one theme at a time. I also double checked that the theme updated across all tabs and all tabs use the theme context provider.
June 3 @ 10:56 PM moved to Done
App displays correctly - UI for editing rewards appears correctly - Review
20 minutes
- I reviewed all the commits that modify the reward modal or reward context provider. I tested the modal to make sure that user input was validated and that the user could add, delete, and edit rewards. I also made sure to test that all the changes from the modal were reflected in the reward list.
June 3 @ 11:14 PM moved to Done
Week of May 21 to May 27, 2024
Issues: When the user changes tabs, the switches all unswitch(it's because of unmountOnBlur=true)
Activity Report:
Task Calendar - Calendar shows tasks for selected day - In Progress
120 minutes
- Last week I had CalendarTab displaying the tasks for the selected day, but it wouldn't always update and there were bugs with changing the frequency of a task. I fixed that by setting unmountOnBlur to true so that the screen refreshes each time the user opens it. I also passed taskList as props to CalendarTab so that it would check for changes in taskList. I then fixed lots of small bugs with my previous implementation of the CalendarTab logic. I also made a bunch of UI changes across the app and updated the npm packages.
May 22 @ 12:01 PM moved to Review
Branches: display-calendar-tasks, main
Files edited: App.js, src/screens/TaskTab.js, src/providers/TaskListProvider.js, src/providers/Frequencyprovider.js, src/components/Task.js, src/components/SelectFrequency.js, src/screens/CalendarTab.js, src/screens/TaskTab.js, .gitignore, src/screens/SettingsTab.js, src/screens/ShopTab.js, src/components/AddButton.js, src/components/Points.js, src/components/Reward.js, src/providers/AppThemeProvider.js, package.json, package-lock.json
Week of May 14 to May 20, 2024
Issues: Tasks don't always update immediately in CalendarTab.js
Activity Report:
Task Calendar - Calendar shows tasks for selected day - In Progress
120 minutes
I fixed some bugs in the implementation of the tasklist context provider in TaskTab.js. I also implemented it in Task.js, and in CalendarTab.js. In CalendarTab.js I created a basic map function to display the tasks. However, it wasn't always updating immediately when I would add/delete a task in TaskTab.js. I tried passing tasklist as props to the calendar screen component from the root app component but I didn't finish it yet. I also fixed some bugs in the main branch.
Branch: display-calendar-tasks
Files edited: App.js, src/screens/TaskTab.js, src/providers/TaskListprovider.js, src/components/Task.js, .gitignore, src/components/SelectFrequency.js, src/screens/CalendarTab.js
Week of May 7 to May 13, 2024
Issues: Confetti Animation doesn't stop after user completes task
Activity Report:
Task Calendar - Calendar shows tasks for selected day - To-Do
30 minutes
I created a task list context provider to hold the task list so it can be accessed in other files. I created the list and created functions to add or remove tasks from the list. I implemented it in Tasktab.js, but I didn't test it yet.
Files edited: App.js, src/screens/TaskTab.js, src/providers/TaskListprovider.js
May 13 @ 11:05 PM moved to In Progress
Week of April 29, 2024 - May 5th, 2024
Issues: There are no issues to report
Activity Report:
Add or delete tasks - reorder tasks - In Progress
70 minutes
I worked on being able to reorder the tasks by dragging them. I tried a couple of approaches but I haven't been able to get it to work yet. All my changes are in the "dragging-tasks" branch.
Files edited: App.js, babel.config.js, src/screens/TaskTab.js,
Week of April 22 to April 28, 2024
Issues: There are no issues to report
Activity Report:
Add or delete tasks - reorder tasks - To-Do
15 minutes
I watched a tutorial on how to reorder items in a list
Files edited: None
April 26 @ 2:10 PM moved to In Progress
App displays correctly - UI for editing task appears correctly - To-Do
160 minutes
I created a context provider for the input values in the task modal. The task modal uses the contextualized vars to fill in the data fields when it opens. It does this so if it is in add mode, the vars are set to null so that the data fields are empty.
Files edited: src/screens/TaskTab.js, src/screens/ShopTab.js, src/components/Task.js, App.js, src/components/SelectFrequency.js, src/providers/FrequencyProvider.js, src/providers/TaskModalProvider.js
April 24 @ 3:24 AM moved to Review
Add or delete tasks - delete button functionality - To Do
25 mins
I added styling to the button that Leo created and I created a function that removes a task from the list by its id. That function gets run every time the delete button is pressed.
Files edited: src/screens/TaskTab.js
April 24 @ 4:28 PM moved to Review
Week of April 15 to April 21, 2024
Issues: There are no issues to report
Activity Report:
Add or Delete Tasks - Save new task button works - To do
180 minutes
I added each part one at a time. I added the title, task name input field, task point value input field, the repeat frequency menu, the task theme menu, the 'save task' button, and the back button. The repeat frequency was the most difficult part because I had to move the component to its own file and create a context provider for it. The text input fields were much easier than I expected because all of the functionality I wanted to add was built in. All I had to do was research how to define each part.
I changed src/screens/TaskTab.js, src/screens/ShopTab.js, src/components/Task.js, src/components/Edit.js, src/components/Points.js, App.js, src/components/SelectFrequency.js, src/providers/FrequencyProvider.js, src/providers/PointsProvider.js,
April 21 @ 11:28 moved to Review
Spend Points - Spend Points – To-Do
20 mins
I used the context provider I created earlier to update the points. I also added logic that only lets the user spend points if they have enough points. The user gets an alert if they don't have enough points or if they successfully spent the points.
Files modified: App.js, src/screen/ShopTab.js
April 17, 2024 @ 3:01 am moved to Review
Add or delete tasks - add task button - Review
5 mins
I tested and reviewed Leo's add task button. I worked fine and was in the right spot on the page.
April 17, 2024 @ 4:46 pm moved to Done
Week of April 8, 2024 - April 15, 2024
Issues: There are no issues to report.
Activity Report
App displays correctly - button updates points – In-Progress
300+ minutes
I added a context provider to our app so that our points display box updates in real-time. I created it in a separate branch and merged it. I defined the context provider in its own file and implemented it in the task screen and the points box. I did this because both need to be updated in real time.
Files modified: App.js, src/components/Points.js, src/components/Task.js, src/providers/PointsProvider.js, src/screen/TaskTab.js
April 15, 2024 @ 11:12 pm moved to Review
April 1, 2024 - April 7, 2024
Issues: Can't get edit mode to update on button press
Activity Report:
30 minutes
60 minutes
edit button - In-Progress
Still working on getting the edit button to update the task page. I tried passing it down to the task tab from the main screen but that didn't work. I'm going to try implementing a context manager next week. Whatever solution I use to get the edit button to update the task tab should also work for updating the points display. I edited src/screens/TaskTab.js
March 4, 2024 - March 10, 2024
Issues: None
Activity Report:
40 minutes
Each button can be switched independently - In progress
There was a problem where the switches on the task page wouldn't stay switched. I fixed this by adding the task element to its own file. This made it much easier to control the switch. I didn't have to change the code much. I edited App.js, src/screens/TaskTab.js, and created src/components/Task.js.
Mar 8 @ 1:41 moved to Review
60 minutes
edit button - To-Do
I started working on an edit button so the user can add and delete tasks. So far I have the button in a box in the right part of the screen. I need to add the text, set the coloring and font size, and round the edges. I edited src/screens/ShopTab.js
Mar 10 @ 11:53 moved to In Progress
Week of February 26 to March 3, 2024
Issues: The switches for the tasks don't work.
Activity Report:
120 minutes
Tasks display in distinct boxes - To-Do
I used an array of tasks and a map function to render a bunch of sample tasks I created. The task list holds instances of the Task class. I made some styling for each task box so that the text was centered. I edited App.js
Mar 1 @ 2:41 moved to Review
120 minutes
Separate sections for name, points, button - To-Do
I created dividers for the task boxes. I added blank boxes to add space between elements within each task box, and I added dividers to separate parts of the task box. I also created styling for the spacers, dividers, and text within the task boxes. I edited App.js
Mar 2 @ 2:59 moved to Review
Signed by: Vruj Patel, Taqi Tahmid
February 19, 2024 - February 25, 2024
Issues: No issues to report.
Activity Report:
App opens up - Display text box when run - In Progress
60 mins
I was able to open the app on my phone and Taqi's phone. App updated in real-time and displayed text. I created the entire habit-tracker directory.
February 20 at 11:45 moved to Review
February 12, 2024 - February 18, 2024
Issues: No issues to report.
Activity Report:
Get app to open - Did research on tools for cross-platform apps - In Progress
60 mins
We decided to switch from Flutter to React Native to develop our app. We are also using Expo to test it on a phone.
February 18 at 11:48 moved to Done
App opens up - Display text box when run - ToDo
45 mins
Used a YouTube tutorial to create a basic app that displays a text box.
February 18 at 11:55 moved to In Progress
February 5, 2024 - February 11, 2024
Issues: No issues to report.
Activity Report:
Get app to open - Did research on tools for cross-platform apps - In Progress
30 mins
I followed a Flutter tutorial and created a starter app. The app loaded and displayed a sample title and sample text box.
February 9 &at; 3:25 moved to Review
Learning Flutter Code - Learning flutter syntax - Review
10 mins
I reviewed Vruj's task and talked to him about what he learned.
February 11 &at; 6:25 moved to Done
Signed off by:Leo Thomas, Taqi Tahmid
January 31, 2024 - February 4, 2024
Issues: No issues to report.
Activity Report
Get app to open - Did research on tools for cross-platform apps - ToDo
30 mins
I researched different tools for creating cross-platform mobile apps. I researched Flutter and I believe it is our best option. I downloaded Flutter for VS Code and learned some basic syntax.
February 5 &at; 3:25 moved to In Progress
Signed off by: Vruj Patel, Leo Thomas, Taqi Tahmid, Vruj Patel