Minor optimizations
- N/A
Major Version Updates
- Update to Spring Boot 2.5.7
- TSK-1764: WorkbasketPriorityReport now supports many filter options including state and custom-X.
- TSK-1769: custom field are now allowed to be null again. It is possible to query for null and ““ independently.
- TSK-1771: Workbasket-Priority-Report now shows only tasks in state READY by default.
Complete list of features and fixes
- TSK-1759: Convert Excel with routing rules to DMN and upload it to configurable path
- TSK-1769: Allow to query task by custom field using empty Strings and nulls als separate values.
- TSK-1771: Default filtering for Workbasket-Prioirty-Report should be state=READY
- TSK-1773: routing-rest-enabled endpoint does not use the configured environment