A mobile website for viewing market data and news stories related to a stock ticker. The full news stories are available by clicking anywhere on the story card. Best viewed with a resolution of 500 pixels wide or less.
As an investor in stocks
I want to be able to look up the market and news articles about a stock ticker
So that I can be informed on my positions.
Given I’ve opened the webpage
When the page loads
I expect to see:
- Search Box and Button
- Page Title
- Saved Tickers
The user initiates action by entering a stock ticker in the search box and clicking search. This triggers an API call to get the market data, which then records a history of the ticker in local storage, updates the UI with Market data and calls the news search. The news search then populates the news story cards.
- JQuery
- JavaScript
- Moment.js
- Materialize JS and CSS
- Google Material Icons
- Alphavantage Market API
- NewscatcherAPI news API
- The local storage and history buttons do not work as expected when alternating between history searches and new searches.
- The local storage is only saving the current session searches. Previous session searchs are lost with each new session.
- Update UI to be friendly to mobile horizontal and desktop screen resolutions
- Add graphs and more data for stocks
- Find correlation in words used in news to stock price change
- Build savable portfolios you can track all at once
- Crypto exchange rates
- Default market data to show on entering website
- Add users data persistance instead of local data.
Made by developers (Andrew, Michael, Ronya, Tavian) ❤