Cd into /backend
Install Docker
Cd into backend/TimeTracker run
docker-compose up
I followed this repo to get this setup: -
access server on http://localhost:8000
Cd into /backend
- Install MySQL
- Get MySQL with Homebrew
brew install mysql
- Get MySQL with Homebrew
- Install pip and python 3.8
- install Python packages:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- install Python packages:
- Rename .env.local to .env
- Cd into backend/TimeTracker
- run
python migrate python runserver
- CD into frontend/timetracker-app
- run
npm install
- run
npm run dev
- access app on http://localhost:3000
- Click register to register your self as user
- Then login with credentials
- Add some task by clicking add task button
- Select a date to display the task for that week, need to refresh everytime you add a new task