Python library for Canano Raspberry Pi add-on board.
Use pip to install package on Raspberry Pi
pip install canano
Copy /scripts
using svn or by cloning the repo
sudo svn checkout
to modify /boot/config
and /etc/network/interfaces
for use with the canano board
sudo python3 scripts/
sudo reboot
The api currently gives you control over the components on the board
from canano import red_led, green_led, relay, button
red_led.on() # activate # deactivate
button.state # returns state
canano controls the socketcan interface allowing you to easily adjust on the fly
from canano import canano
canano.baud = 250000 # sets bus baudrate to 250k
canano.reset() # clears buffer
canano.bus # python-can bus object
canano.bus.recv() # returns next message
Play around with it to find interesting use cases!
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.