Local user should be in this group: docker
Then fetch this repository:
git clone git@github.com:TeMPO-Consulting/docker-odoo
And go into this one.
Then you have to build an image from this repository:
docker build -t odoo:latest .
Now you have to run the container. But have a look to an example of what could be done:
docker run -d -p 2280:22 -p 8069:8069 --name odoo odoo:latest /usr/bin/supervisord
We know that:
- it will be run in daemon (-d option)
- we open port 8069 (local machine and in docker)
- we open port 22 on port 2280 on our machine so that we use 2280 to access to the docker
- the name of the container will be odoo
- on our machine, we use the odoo:latest docker base to create this container (we built it previously)
- the default command used when the container is launched is /usr/bin/supervisord so that all services will be available (ssh, postgresql, etc.)
And now you're running postgreSQL/ssh for Unifield.
As SSHD is launched on the machine, we just have to do:
ssh -p 2280 docker@localhost
And we enter in the container.
After having Access to the container, just do this:
cd /opt/odoo
Odoo will be launched.
If you want to stop the container:
docker stop odoo
To run an existing container:
docker start odoo
That's all!
Just do this:
docker inspect --format='{{(index (index .NetworkSettings.Ports "5432/tcp") 0).HostPort}}' unifield
Before launching the build of this directory, decomment this line:
RUN apt-get install -y eclipse
build your docker
run a docker
access it via ssh using this command:
ssh -X -p 2280 docker@localhost
Then, in the given SSH prompt, just tape:
and it will launch Eclipse.
Try to access here: http://localhost:8069/web/database/selector
And then use Manage Databases link so that you can create a new database.
It seems that the first database creation failed with this error:
QWebTemplateNotFound: External ID not found in the system: web.login
with no other explanation. Very strange.