This is a personal mod project for SPT, configuring/trimming/modifying/adding things from the projects listed at the end of this README.
Everything can be turned-off using the config.json
My own implementation of [Health Per Level]
HP of body parts does not increase per level, rather:
- Body part gets bonus HP per set amount of levels
- Each body part gets a set amount of bonus HP to balance it out over the levels
Features of [ODT-Softcore]
- Reconfigured stash sizes
- Re-discover all items (Unexamine all items)
Filter the special slots to hold 1-slot med kits and etc. [SpecialSlots]
Plan to update this to a generative function that scans the entire post-mod-database for 1-slot med items so this can work for meds added by other mods
Make Bot(Cultist) no longer silent or cold to thermals(Experimental) [HotCultists]
They are no longer silent for sure, but whether they are cold to thermal scopes requires testing
Skeleton code of a more-automated item cloning feature driven by data
Modified item cloning functionalities of [SPT-Realism] to add 3 Extended Mags for 3 beginner guns as a proof of concept.
Currently only deals with individual items/weapon mods.
Since item cloning ultimately is only done once at the server load, performance implication of this is going to be ignored. I also do not have an excess of knowledge to write performant code. I only know to perform massive loops or recursions as few times as possible.
Skeleton code of post-mod-database item-property rebalancing feature
Currently, only the Ammo Load/Unload speed of all magazines are being rebalanced.
The negative effect is "LERPed" to max out at about 20%, and positive effect is unaffected.
Database debugging utilities
These functions in db.ts helps modder make sense of SPT's JSON data structure and provides basics for debugging/automating/simplifying some database related activities such as the two features described above
I'm personally proud of the names I've given to the grow() function and I will hear no alternatives.
This is likely to be heavily affected when SPT's database-structure changes
This project uses, modifies and takes inspiration from following SPT-Mods/github repositories:
- HotCultists by Echo55
Credits to the authors of these mods/repositories