Watch the demo video here:
This repository is for EasyMeal Mobile App for our project in capstone Bangkit Academy 2022. This project is a graduation requirement in the Bangkit Academy 2022 program as a Mobile Developer Learning Path
Doanda Dresta Rahma - A038DSX2261 - Mobile Development Path
Here are the technologies and libraries used to create this project:
- Android Studio ver. Electric Eel | 2022.1.1 (Jan 2023)
- MVVM Architecture v2.6.1
- Room v2.5.1
- Datastore v1.0.0
- Retrofit2 v2.9.0
- TensorFlow Lite v0.1.0
- Glide v4.15.1
- CameraX v1.2.2
- Login and register
- Recipe recommendation based on ingredients available
- Favorite recipes
- Search and filter recipes
- Shopping list
- Ingredient image recognition