This is a simple running / jumping game inspired by the characters and story of one of the greatest movies ever made The Matrix. The purpose of the game is to run as long as possible trying to escape contact with bullets fired by agent Smith and the agent himself. As long as you run the ability to run faster and faster increases until it becomes really impossible. When you die, you can save your score and try to beat it later.
There are several features for better game experience:
Main Menu Screen
- New Game - start a new Game
- Credits - Shows contributors
- Scores - Shows a score board
New Game Screen
- Easy - a level for beginners with less agents, that do not shoot very frequently
- Normal - a level for more experienced gamers
- Hard - a level that gives a lot of agents shooting really fast
Game Play Screen
- Back To Menu - returns to Menu Screen
- Pause - pauses the game
Game Over Screen
- Name Input - Write youur name here, to save youur score
- Try Again - Returns back to Menu Screen where you can start a new game
Controls of the game are very simple:
right arrow |
Enters running mode |
left arrow |
Slows time |
up arrow |
Jump |
down arrow |
stops moving |
space |
Jumps again |
escape |
Stops the game and enters menu |
- Create Main Structure
- HTML file, link assets
- main JS file structure - main.js, player.js, sprite.js, rigidbody.js
- CSS style file and assets folder
- Create main game classes
- Entity or GameObject // not implemented
- RigidBody
- Sprite
- Player
- Enemy
- Bullets
- Background
- Buildings
- Keyboard
- clock
- localStorage
- Create Menu and UI
- Home screen
- Game play screen
- Game Over screen
- Credits
- Scoreboard
- Add Music and Audio
- Menu Audio
- Game play sounds (shoot, jump, dead) // not implemented
- Game play music
Here are some useful links:
Доротея Николова - d.nikolova93
Захари Димитров - ZachD
Цветан Караджов - c.karadjov
Вилиана Жилкова - Viliana_Zhilkova
Анна Янакиева-Ляпчева - Anna.Ianakieva
Иван Илиев - Ivan_Iliev
Светломир Балевски - DesertFox