All robot code from 2017 onward
The contributors to the 2017-present code consists of: Brayton, Nathan, Lance, Travis, Kira, Jadon, Demetri
Before you checkout code, you should first extract the eclipse workspace from the workspace.tar.gz archive into the current directory; if you've done it right, you should see
- .git
- .metadata
- Project
- RemoteSystemsTempFiles
- workspace.tar.gz
Once that's done, you're ready to checkout one of the branches with code (for example, 2018-Master).
When making a commit, you must follow the following format:
- All general comments must be begin with a three equal signs (===)
- Additions to code (ie functions, comments, variables, etc.) must begin with three plus signs (+++)
- If you delete a something from the code (ie functions, comments, variables, etc.) must begin with three minus signs (---)
- To add a comment to one of the above declarations, start the comment on the following line and begin it with three greater than signs (>>>)
#### Example Commit:
Our repository is made up of a branching system.
Every branch with the word "Master" in the title is made up of code that is guaranteed to work 100% of the time.
Code committed to Master branches will be tagged according to this guide.
All unstable or development code is located in branches off the "Master" branches.
>see image belowDetailed explanation coming soon.