a Bot Excelling in Reminding Things
- /addreminder date(jj/mm/yyy) hour(HH:MM) name(no space) duration(HH:MM) peopletoremind(@role)
- creates a reminder at the given date that concerns the mentionned role/user
- /delreminder name
- deletes a reminder
- /modreminder name parameter(name|start_date|duration|channel|allow_dp) new_value
- Modifies the given field of a reminder
- /getfuture [hours|days|weeks] value
- Returns the reminders until the given date (defaults to next week)
- /help [command]
- displays help message about the specified command, or about every command
- /deathping [@someone]
- Deathping someone (May be multiple people)
- /stopping [@someone]
- Stops a deathping on someone
- /morsty
- ? ? ?
- /pic keywords
- Returns a random picture corresponding to the give keywords
- /vote "Question" "proposition 0" ... "proposition 10"
- Creates an embed message for a quick vote
virtualenv -p python3 ve/
source ve/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt