Releases: TeamStarDrive/StarTrekShatteredAlliance
update v2.8a !!!breaks old saves!!!!!
fixed mining stations they now work
fixed mining ships showing in freighter build lists
reduced max ai players to 12
added Miranda heavy frigate for the federation
added some new ship designs
added support for unlocking rement and pirate hulls providing relevant hull tech level is reached
v2.8 is a full early release with all 7 races added and ship designs for all races new bb+ content added inc dyson swarms
will brake old saves
v.2.7g: locutus von bors omega destroyer hull + balance changes
balance fixes FB diplo dialogs and omega hull + shadow fighter and corvette
fixed bugs with missing weapon textures causing invisible torpedo's and missiles fixed missing sounds
will brake v2.6 saves and designs
fixed bugs with missing weapon textures causing invisible torpedo's and missiles fixed missing sounds
will brake v2.6 saves and designs
v2.7c. fixed major AI progression bug.= they where getting stuck researching techs needed for shipbuilding
this should make them build large ships sooner
!!this update will brake v2.6 saves and ship designs!!
major update will brake saves and designs from v2.6
check discord for change list
!major update! 2.7 changes + fix tech costs, remove starbase, trait vulfer ship designs and hull edits
will brake v2.6 saves and designs plz delete roaming folder before install
2.7 test version contains fixes for v2.6 and MANY new techs and ships mod should run but will have bugs and balance fixes needed plz report on bb+ discord
update mod to enable trait system overhaul
remnant buff
balance stuff