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Development Installation Guide

Nate Brady edited this page Mar 6, 2019 · 1 revision

To get started developing you'll need to install docker or see our Quick Start Guide using vagrant

  1. Clone TFB.

     $ git clone
  2. Run a test.

     $ ./tfb --mode verify --test gemini

Explanation of the ./tfb script

The run script is pretty wordy, but each and every flag is required. If you are using windows, either adapt the docker command at the end of the ./tfb shell script (replacing ${SCRIPT_ROOT} with /c/path/to/FrameworkBenchmarks), or use vagrant.

The command looks like this: docker run -it --rm --network tfb -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v [FWROOT]:/FrameworkBenchmarks techempower/tfb [ARGS]

  • -it tells docker to run this in 'interactive' mode and simulate a TTY, so that ctrl+c is propagated.
  • --rm tells docker to remove the container as soon as the toolset finishes running, meaning there aren't hundreds of stopped containers lying around.
  • --network=tfb tells the container to join the 'tfb' Docker virtual network
  • The first -v specifies which Docker socket path to mount as a volume in the running container. This allows docker commands run inside this container to use the host container's docker to create/run/stop/remove containers.
  • The second -v mounts the FrameworkBenchmarks source directory as a volume to share with the container so that rebuilding the toolset image is unnecessary and any changes you make on the host system are available in the running toolset container.
  • techempower/tfb is the name of toolset container to run

A note on Windows:

  • Docker expects Linux-style paths. If you cloned on your C:\ drive, then [ABS PATH TO THIS DIR] would be /c/FrameworkBenchmarks.
  • Docker for Windows understands /var/run/docker.sock even though that is not a valid path on Windows. Docker Toolbox may not - use at your own risk.

Quick Start Guide (Vagrant)

Get started developing quickly by utilizing vagrant with TFB. Git, Virtualbox and vagrant are required.

  1. Clone TFB.

     $ git clone
  2. Change directories

     $ cd FrameworkBenchmarks/deployment/vagrant
  3. Build the vagrant virtual machine

     $ vagrant up
  4. Run a test

     $ vagrant ssh
     $ tfb --mode verify --test gemini

Add a New Test

Either on your computer, or once you open an SSH connection to your vagrant box, start the new test initialization wizard.

    vagrant@TFB-all:~/FrameworkBenchmarks$ ./tfb --new

This will walk you through the entire process of creating a new test to include in the suite.

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