This web app was made during a weekend hackathon on Feb. 8, 2014. The event was hosted by XO Group at their New York Offices and was put together by AngelHack. The Hackathon had the goal of building sustainable technological solutions to better the lives of women around the world.
The Participants listened to the needs of the orgainzations and built a mobile or web app which targeted a specific need of one of those organizations. The non-profit organizations included:
- Step Up Women's Network
- Wish Upon A Wedding
- New Course
- DayOne
Our team built a web app for Step Up Women's Network in a 24 hour period utilizing Rails.
Our team consisted of myself and
We built a web app for Step Up Women's Network with Rails 4 and Bootstrap 3 along with the following gems:
- devise
- simple form
- active admin
- omniauth
- paperclip
- font awsome
- figaro
- annotate
- mailcatcher
- aws-sdk
The app focused on the organization's need for mentors and mentees to connect online. It allows users to create profiles which mentors and mentees can then search for one another. They can also message each other in the app by going through the organization. An admin panel was created for the organization for this purpose. You can see the site deployed on Heroku: Step Up