FH-Complete AddOn for creating Charts and Reports
- Create and Manage Views from FH-Complete´s Database
- Create and Manage Filters for the Views, Charts and Reports
- Create and Manage Charts. JS-Bib for v0.9 will be a subset of highcharts.com
- Create and Mange Reports. First technique for v0.9 will be AsciiDoc
- Provide a Responsive WebGUI for CIS
- Create and Manage Dashboards in the CIS-GUI
- Add Charts to the Dashboards
####Installation The following additional Packages are required:
- asciidoc
- dblatex
- texlive-lang-cyrillic
- texlive-lang-german
- phantomjs
- HighCarts Big and Easy
- D3.js (http://d3js.org/) Data-Driven Documents. Here you can do everything with your data, but its not so easy on the first look. Maybe in a future release.
- Protovis (http://mbostock.github.io/protovis/) Not longer under active development. Recommendation to switch to D3.js!
- xCharts (http://tenxer.github.io/xcharts/) Is a D3 based easy to use Library for bar- an linecharts
- Isotope (http://isotope.metafizzy.co/) Filter & sort magical layouts
- RGraph (http://www.rgraph.net/)
- JIT (http://philogb.github.io/jit/)
- FLOT (http://www.flotcharts.org/)
- WebPivotTable (http://webpivottable.com) Big and full featured Pivot Table in JS.
- PivotTable (http://nicolas.kruchten.com/pivottable/examples/index.html) Fast and easy Pivot Tables in JS.
- (http://www.rogernoble.com/2012/02/02/addressing-the-elephant-in-the-room-the-html5-pivotviewer/)
- (http://pivot.lobsterpot.com.au/html5.htm)