wssh3 ("wish3") is a command-line utility/shell for WebSocket inpsired by netcat.
- Assumes Python 3.6
It uses currently uses gevent > 0.13, so you may need to install libevent. This is because it uses the great work in ws4py. The gevent websocket server+client in there could probably be generalized to work with Eventlet; then this could be trivially ported to Eventlet to drop the libevent dependency.
If you don't have libevent installed already, install it prior to running You can install libevent using apt-get
on Ubuntu or brew
on a Mac.
sudo apt-get install libevent-dev
install python3.6 from source if it is not already on your system
warning: check for /usr/lib/python3.6/ if it exists, then do NOT execute the commands below
tar -xvf Python-3.6.3.tgz
cd Python-3.6.3
sudo ./configure --enable-optimizations
sudo make install
make sure pip3 is updated and working with python3.6 and pip3 version 21 or higher, and get gevent
sudo pip3 install --upgrade pip
pip3 install gevent
install the modified version of ws4py-0.2.4 that supports TLS SNI (for SNI support, which you are going to want)
git clone git://
cd wssh/ws4py_modified
python3 install
now install wssh3
cd ..
python3 install
Listen for WebSocket connections on a particular path and print messages to STDOUT:
wssh3 -l localhost:8000/websocket
example: connect to coinbase BCH-USD socket and see trades from command-line:
echo '{"type":"subscribe","product_ids":["BCH-USD"],"channels":["ticker"]}' | wssh3 -n wss:// | grep --line-buffered trade_id
Once connected you can use STDIN to send messages. Each line is a message. You can just as well open a peristent client connection that prints incoming messages to STDOUT and sends messages from STDIN interactively:
wssh3 localhost:8000/websocket
if you use wssh3 called from a script, called from your server, check if the webserver / root user can properly access wssh3 and use it properly.
Stream scripts work from the command-line but not from the cron? because root user cannot gracefully call wssh3!
copy gevent, greenlet, zope, ws4py, wssh3 files from .local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ to /usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages then chown -R root:staff /usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages now root can run wssh3 without error!
Feel free to fork and improve.