This repository is a collection of data structures implemented in C and C++ as part of my practice.
Table of Contents Introduction Data Structures Implemented Usage Contributing License
Data structures are an important aspect of computer science and programming. They allow us to organize and store data in an efficient and effective manner, making it easier to manipulate and access the data as needed.
As part of my practice, I have implemented various data structures in C and C++. These implementations serve as a learning tool for me to understand how these structures work and how they can be used in real-world applications. Understanding ds
The following data structures have been implemented in this repository:
Linked List Stack Queue Binary Tree Heap Hash Table Each implementation includes the necessary header files, source files, and test files. The code has been thoroughly tested and verified to work correctly.
To use any of the data structures in your own projects, simply include the appropriate header file and use the provided functions to manipulate the data structure as needed. The test files provide examples of how to use the structures.
Contributions are always welcome! If you have any improvements or bug fixes to the existing implementations, or you'd like to add a new data structure, feel free to create a pull request.
This repository is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more information.