The Disciple - 0.9.7 Public Beta
Compliance: Updated for week 43 update.
Feature: Now supports Chimera custom mod.
Feature: Retaining cards and relics now merge and retained cards are selected at once at the end of the turn.
Balance: Echonomics now exhausts.
Balance: Allargando damage changed from 17(22) to 16(22).
Balance: Second Hand block decreased 7(10) to 5(7).
Audio: Pattern Shift and its preview now have sounds.
Audio: Wake Up Call now plays a bell sound on use.
Audio: Pendulum now plays a sound on use.
Audio: Added sounds to Engulf.
Audio: Added sounds to the three Goos.
Audio: Added sounds to Slime Spray.
Audio: Fast Forward now has a sound.
Audio: Clock and Load now has a sound.
Effect: Pattern Shift has an additional particle effect when played.
Effect: Rage Command and Bite Command now have a bite effect when they damage the enemy.
Effect: Recurrance now has effects for each hit.
Effect: Oracle Form's Augury power now has a nifty effect whilst you choose cards.
Effect: Clock and Load now has a timed Replica incrementer effect.
Effect: Fast Forward now has a timed Replica decrementer effect.
Effect: Slime Spray, Goos, and Engulf have a custom slime effect.
Bug: Over Time+ now does 6 damage instead of 10.
Bug: Book of Stabbing no longer increases it's stab count when Pattern Shift preview mouses over.
Bug: Recurrance now interacts correctly with Shackled.
Bug: Resonant Call no longer crashes the game with cards using Card atlases (many vanilla cards).
Bug: Resonant Call no longer is free to cast.
Bug: Resonant Call now correctly affects type-dependent effects such as Pen Nib, Art of War, Double Tap, etc.
Bug: Cryopreserver no longer sets the wrong timer on upgraded relics.
Bug: Facsmilie no longer mixes up War Paint and Whetstone.
Bug: Fast Forward no longer breaks orbs without timers.