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SSL Configuration for Tendrl

Martin Bukatovič edited this page Feb 21, 2019 · 20 revisions

This is overview of pending work related to SSL configuration for Tendrl.

What are the use cases?

  • Secure all direct user facing interfaces of Tendrl server machine (tendrl web, grafana web).
  • Secure all remaining services running on Tendrl server machine (etcd, carbon, ...).
  • Secure all communication channels within storage cluster (etcd, carbon, ...).

By secure we mean both:

  • TLS based encryption (aka SSL) of the communication channel
  • authentication of all encrypted channels (there is no point in encrypting communication channel when one can open one for themselves without authentication)

Ports opened on Tendrl server:

  • 2379/tcp etcd (could be encrypted and authenticated via ssl, which is documented)
  • 2003/tcp carbon
  • 10080/tcp graphite is no longer available via this port from the outside
  • 9292/tcp puma (tendrl-api) is now available via httpd: http(s)://hostname/api/1.0/
  • 3000/tcp Grafana dashboard is now available via httpd: http(s)://hostname/grafana/
  • 8789/tcp webhook receiver
  • 80/tcp (apache web server, hosting Tendrl web, API and Grafana dashboard)

Recent or Planned features related to SSL Configuration

Make grafana available via http instead of using dedicated port 3000/tcp

What needs to be done

  • figure out which components need to use SSL:
    • web browser -> tendrl (served via httpd)
    • web browser -> grafana (served via httpd)
    • web browser -> graphite:
      • Do we want to have graphite web available? The answer is no (the port has been recently disabled).
      • If yes, we need to proxy it through httpd as well. Not applicable (see above).
    • various tendrl components -> graphite
    • various tendrl components -> etcd (TLS client-server based authentication)
      • already documented
      • partially implemented via tendrl-ansible (when users generate TLS CA files themselves)
      • deployment of default Tendrl CA for TLS client-server based authentication
  • implement tendrl - grafana authentication
  • additional code changes may be needed (excluding tendrl-ansible), eg: some hardcoded http urls
  • how to configure it (initial dev docs)
  • how to implement default via tendrl-ansible
  • document when default CA deployment provided by tendrl-ansible is a good idea

Current documentation

Previous now deprecated work

Previous guide was available on (use history to get to old state):

Previous work done in tendrl-ansible:

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