In an effort to support small businesses Invoicy provides the essentials for generating clean looking documents quickly. I will keep things updated here as improvements are made, feel free to chime in with ideas that you think may be useful (that aren't in my list already).
- Fast pdf generation
- Saves any contacts and customers that are generated
- cross platform (Mac, Windows, Linux)
In order to be able to change the image on the invoice you would need to download everything locally. You can do this by:
- cloning the repository through your terminal
- downloading everything as a zip file
Once this has been done you need to make sure you have the latest version of Rust and cargo installed.
After all the downloads are finished navigate to the folder in your terminal and run cargo run
If you run into any problems post an issue I will try to resolve it.
Below is a screenshot of the pdf file that is genrated after hitting Generate Invoice.
- google drive backup
- templating ability to allow for more custom invoice structures
- PDF preview screen
- Earnings reporting which uses historical data