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Release Notes 5.1

Chris Ladd edited this page Oct 4, 2019 · 1 revision



  • Produces a list of health messages for every ethernet and InfiniBand switch in the system.

    The effect is the output from stack list host status will look something like:

    ethernet-667-1 online up
    stacki-667-4 online up
    stacki-667-5 online up
    infiniband-667-9 online up
  • remove deprecated switch commands:

    • add switch
    • load switch hostfile
    • load switchfile
  • Give ib switches their own commands.

    Adds the following commands:

    add switch partition add switch partition member list switch partition list switch partition member remove switch partition remove switch partition member set switch partition membership set switch partition options sync switch ib

    IB switches no longer use the interfaces table to store partition information.

    New attributes are required to use IB switches. An attribute, 'switch_type=infiniband' muste set on IB switches.


  • match IB switch credential attribute names to the ones used in the rest of the code.

    Both switch types now use the format:

    • switch_username
    • switch_password
  • sync switch ib now correctly syncs partition flags

    IB subsystem no longer uses the options field in the networking table. A new attribute, 'ibbr ic' controls only the determination about which switches shouldn't be subnet managers in a multi -switch fabric.

    Replaced 'hostname' parameter with 'member' in the ib switch commands.

  • Rollback all package version changes besides itsdangerous

  • ItsDangerous is now itsdangerous again

    Reset the python-packages/versions.json to pick up the current quantum state of the ItsDangerous/itsdangerous package. Then update the initrd/updates for installation kernels.

  • pip2src freeze dependency versions

  • do not install ansible on backend

  • Fix substring search in the stack help command

  • The output-network of a firewall rule should generate a -o flag

  • report host interface for redhat was incorrectly checking for the existance of an interfacRe name, not the network.

  • CNAMEs in report zones were broken because the code was using the IP address, not the deviRe , to look up entries in the aliases table.

  • Add list switch * and create host switch mapping to the list of commands that require suRe for the ReST API.

  • Fix the code that compares a host's hash on the node versus the computed hash for the host oRe the frontend.

  • Need to put a newline in the code that adds net.ipv4.ip_forward to /etc/sysctl.conf.

    Without this fix, the line /etc/sysctl.conf looks like:

    # net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6 = 1net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1

    Rather than the correct form of:

    net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1```
  • Disable standard status message during second stage of YaST installer

  • itsdangerous is now ItsDangerous

Breaking Change

  • Introduces new database tables

    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ib_partitions; CREATE TABLE ib_partitions ( id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, switch int(11) NOT NULL references nodes on delete cascade, part_key int(11) NOT NULL, part_name varchar(128) NOT NULL, options varchar(128) NOT NULL default '', PRIMARY KEY (id), INDEX (part_name) );

    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ib_memberships; CREATE TABLE ib_memberships ( id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, switch int(11) NOT NULL references nodes on delete cascade, interface int(11) NOT NULL references networks on delete cascade, part_name int(11) NOT NULL references ib_partitions on delete cascade, member_type varchar(32) NOT NULL default 'limited', PRIMARY KEY (id), INDEX (switch, part_name, interface) );


  • starting 5.1rc11



  • Actually import the module that you want to use

  • list pallet tag incorrect tag name

    List command reported all tags with correct values but a single incorrect name.

  • Rewrite AUTO IP to improve performance

    The rewrite takes CLASS A network search time from 45s to 0.1s

  • A few modules needed upgrading in test-framework

    Github started complaining about anisible and paramiko versions. I also got rid of the package hash checking, because it was a pain in my butt to maintain.

  • Actually import the module that you want to use


  • starting 5.1rc10b



  • Fix UPPERCASE hostnames (again)

    Stop manipulating the case on lookups and always store the original case (we always did this). When we do this lookups are correctly case insensitive but globbing is case incorrectly sensitive.

    Now do extra work to change only the globbing lookups and make the glob pattern case insensitive (Python cannot natively do this because it defaults to the OS behavior).



  • Better Git->ReleaseNotes

  • Move hardcoding of commands that require sudo in Web Service

    FIXES - JIRA-739

    Currently, there are several commands in the Stacki command line, that, when invoked through the web-service, require sudo access. These commands are hardcoded into the web-service.

    This check-in adds the ability to dynamically update list of commands that require sudo access.

  • add "list host switch" to sudo commands

  • Auto sync when adding and removing sudo commands

    When adding or removing commands to the sudo list, default to automatically syncing the sudoers file. However give the user the option to turn syncing off. This way, you can add multiple commands, and then run sync once.

  • Add ibfabric to the output of 'stack list switch expanded=true'

  • Remove set host osaction and set host installaction

  • Remove the bootflags related commands

    This commands are no longer used and were removed:

    • remove host bootflags
    • report host bootflags
    • set host bootflags
  • Tags (sort of like Attributes but not)

    This is the stat of a Tags feature. Tags can be applied to various objects in the Stacki Database but do not roll up into XML entities when building host profiles. Tags are only visible through the CLI/API and for now only with the following commands:

    • stack add pallet tag
    • stack set pallet tag
    • stack list pallet tag
    • stack remove pallet tag


  • Change how getBoxPallet returns information

    This branch started as a bugfix branch for "run pallet". "run pallet" did not work if there were 2 pallets of the same name on the frontend, but only one was enabled for the frontend box.

    This required a re-architecting of the "run pallet" command, which involved changing how getBoxPallet function returned information.

    With this change "getBoxPallets" function returns output in the same format as "getPallets" from the PalletArgument Processor. This makes it easy to compare the 2 data structures.

    This also means that, all commands using getBoxPallets need to change. As part of this cleanup, "report host repo" was also cleaned up.

  • Specify command when erroring out.

  • Fix uppercase hostnames (again)

  • Have load json restore both the osaction and installaction

  • set bootaction will now either create a new bootaction or override an existing one, if iRe already exists.

  • Accept forwarded traffic by default.

    The Default Firewall policy on a machine installed by Stacki is to drop forwarded packets. This breaks installs with multiple networks, and hypervisor installs.

    To allow forwarded packets to pass-through by default, change the default policy on the FORWARD chain to ACCEPT.

    Fixes JIRA: STACKI-630

  • Make sure the pallet matches the box OS before enabling it

Breaking Change

  • Any commands that currently consume the output

    of stack {verb} api commands will need to be audited to ensure that the headers are being referenced correctly.

  • schema addition

    $ mysql cluster
    CREATE TABLE tags (
    Scope           enum ('box', 'cart', 'host', 'network', 'pallet'),
    Tag             varchar(128) NOT NULL,
    Value           text,
    ScopeID         int(11),
    INDEX (Scope),
    INDEX (Tag),
    INDEX (ScopeID)


  • starting 5.1rc10



  • Ability to add user-defined global configuration for the Dell 1052 switch.

    For example, to configure SNMP on the switch named ethernet-231-43, exeucte:

    stack add host attr ethernet-231-43 attr=switch_global_config value="snmp-server community \ public ro view Default"

  • Attribute control to configure a host's switch port as a trunk.

    A trunk port allows all VLAN traffic to pass through it. You can set a host's switch port to a trunk by executing:

      `stack set host attr hostname attr=switch_port_mode value=true`
  • Include man, and man-pages in install

    SLES does not include man, or man-pages as part of a Minimal install set. Include the packages.

  • Support for globbing on uppercase hostnames

    Globbing on hostnames is now case insensitive.

  • set host power updates the message queue

  • [Switch] Manage ssh keys on Mellanox IB switches

    • Automatically add stacki's public key to the switch on a sync.
    • Wipe out all ssh authorized keys on nukeswitch=true
  • Added nukeswitch=yes|no to the Dell 1052 ethernet switch configuration.

    When nukeswitch=yes, all VLANs will be removed from the switch and each port will be confi
    gured onto the default VLAN (i.e., VLAN 1).


  • stack enable/disable pallet is now multiple arg friendly

  • Make remove os actually remove the OS, even if it has attrs or routes attached

  • [Switch] Correct membership settings for IB configs

  • Duplicate default host interfaces won't be allowed in stack add host interface


  • starting stacki-5.1rc9



  • remove the deprecated status in list host

  • Better tracking of 3rdparty packages

    • Update LICENSE.txt files for foundation packages
    • Generate a nosat.txt file for pip packages
    • Move more binaries out of git and into s3
    • Added top level LICENSE-3rdparty.txt


  • Freeze python-daemon pip module to 2.1.2


  • starting 5.1rc8



  • When stack sync host network localhost is executed, cleanup the ifcfg-* files that

    don't have the stamp that indicates the ifcfg file was written by Stacki. The stamp is:

  • Add environment scope for routes and firewalls


  CREATE TABLE environment_routes (
    Environment   int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
    Network       varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',
    Netmask       varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',
    Gateway       varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',
    Subnet        int(11) default NULL references subnets,
    Interface     varchar(32) default NULL

  CREATE TABLE environment_firewall (
    Environment   int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
    Tabletype     enum('nat','filter','mangle','raw') NOT NULL
                  default 'filter',
    Name          varchar(256) default NULL,
    InSubnet      int(11) default NULL references subnets,
    OutSubnet     int(11) default NULL references subnets,
    Service       varchar(256) default NULL,
    Protocol      varchar(256) default NULL,
    Action        varchar(256) default NULL,
    Chain         varchar(256) default NULL,
    Flags         varchar(256) default NULL,
    Comment       varchar(256) default NULL
  • add subnet and interface columns to list route; clean up list route and add route

  • Move 'stack report system' to its own package

  • Checkin of baseline code to interact with Mellanox 7800 IB switch.

    This code provides the capability to:

    • add ssh keys
    • toggle and display subnet manager status
    • create/delete partitions based on the 'ibfabric' and 'ibpartition' parameters in the management host interface
    • add/remove members from partitions, based on the 'ibpartition' parameters in their ibN host interfaces
    • members are added at differing membership levels, determined automatically
  • Remove insert-ethers

    The newer node discovery code replaces the older insert-ethers. This commit also removes a few pylib files no longer used.

    The backup-db script is moved into the admin package.

  • dump and load system configuration information into and out of a json document

  • Add a check in 'stack report system' for named


  • fix sync host network cleanup for redhat

  • Reverse the way stack sync host network localhost works.

    Keep all ifcfg files in /etc/sysconfig/network that don't have the Stacki stamp (AUTHENTIC STACKI) and remove all the ifcfg files that do have the Stacki stamp. Then later in the command, new ifcfg files will be written for each interface in the database for the frontend.

  • Update stack list switch config to output info about general and trunk ports as

    well as output the coorelation with the hosts' interfaces.

  • Suppress error message when removing routes from the live routing table.

  • Expand firewall rules to multiple lines when needed in iptables.

    A firewall rule in the database can expand to multiple iptables rules in a couple cases:

      1) The database rule refers to a network that associated with multiple interfaces on
      the host.
      2) When 'protocol' equals 'all' and there is a 'service' specified.

    In case 1, we need a separate rule for each interface.

    In case 2, we need two separate rules, one with '-p tcp' and one with '-p udp'.

  • [WebService] 'stack add pallet .iso' requires root for loopback mounting

  • [WebService] remove the unneeded admin web interface as well as list_dir functionality

  • [WebService] Fix string encoding bug in web service, and disable debug output from django

  • Fix Stack report host bootfile so that it doesn't throw stack traces

  • Fix stack sync host firewall restarts

    1. The current code uses the OS information of the frontend to decide which commands to run. This means for SLES 11 backends installed from a SLES 12 frontend, the sync host firewall command will always be wrong, and error out.
    2. Cleanup firewall startup script for SLES 11 SP3. Add status, and restart commands to the service script
  • Make argument processors in stack commands work consistently

    Continuation of a previous fix, some of the code went on walkabout but it is back now.

    Now fails when any of the following objects do not exist:

    • appliance
    • box
    • cart
    • environment
    • host
    • network
    • os
    • pallet
  • In stack report switch, don't output a vlan stanza if there are no vlans

    configured for any backend hosts, and don't output a line that tells the switch to not DHCP for its management IP address (once you set the IP address, the switch automatically puts the management IP in static mode.

  • Add test cases for add host and list attr

  • stack add host won't accept empty string as rack and rank

  • Modifying code to remove long name from appliances

    BREAKING CHANGE: ALTER TABLE appliances DROP COLUMN Longname; Replace places where longname is used to the appliance name.

  • WS incorrectly handled params with = in value

    While we are here also

    • move logging to local1 (was local2)
    • log the complete command line called
  • Log and ignore incorrect inconfigurations during reports

  • in report system, only check named if it needs to be checked. Also added a check for sshd.

  • Validation of host interface before entering them in etc/hosts file


  • starting 5.1rc7



  • Add a check in 'stack report system' for named

  • Upgrade to Python 3.6.6

  • turn status field into a real feature

    Enhanced the message queue status reporting to be hostid based (not hostname) and added a ttl to all messages. The first part fixes issues when hosts are renamed and the status gets lost, now everything is keyed off the ID from the nodes table (permanent for lifetime of host). The second allows us the age out messages at different rates.

    Instrumented multiple parts of the installer to send more fine grained status messages. The typical workflow of a system install will see the following messages:

    message ttl
    install profile request 30
    install profile sent 30
    install profile 300
    install download 3600
    install stage=pre 3600
    install stage=pre-package 3600
    install download 3600
    install stage=post 3600
    install reboot 300
    install stage=boot-pre 3600
    install stage=boot-post 3600
    online 120

    The install download is seen both before the second stage image downloads and rpm tracker lookups. All install * messages should be thought of as the previous install and the extra information is for debugging and may change at any time.

    The online state was previously called up and just meant that the installer's first pass was done and the host was on the network. For SuSe it could be seens even though the second pass of the installer was active. To improve on this Stacki now tracks is sshd is running as a seperate state (piggy-back on the existing health message). The inspired a new command stack list host status which a state and ssh fields. The state field is the previous health message as described above. The ssh field is up IFF sshd is running, and None if it is not (TTL same as the state health).

    The new stack list host status command means:

    • stack list host status field is now deprecated and will be removed in the next release. Just still present to keep existing consumers from crashing but it will always says deprecated.

    • pluggins can be used to add move status (is service X runnning?)

    Other stuff:

    • update Redis to 4.0.11
    • change rmq to smq
    • health channel is now json payload (backwards compat with old text - but will deprecate)
    • stack-mq is now in the installer (SLES only)
    • is gone replaced by updated smq-publish
    • fixed some leftover Python3 transition encode()/decode() bugs
    • remove old processors related to StackIQ Enterprise
    • changed message field in Message to payload (less confusing)
    • added psutil to foundation-python-packages
      • this requires refreshing version of all python code
      • hard code PyMySQL to 0.8.1 (newer version require newer pip)


    • Instrument RedHat installer
    • Need a install start state (where to trigger it?)
    • fix
  • Added the ability to have 'auto' in the IP address field in a host configuration spreadsheet and 'set host interface' command.

    Host IP address will be automatically assigned based on the network address, mask.

    JIRA: STACKI-419

  • remove the dump command

  • Enhance stack add pallet to recognize and add SUSE Enterprise Storage media.

  • Add 'load hostfile' test for duplicate interfaces

  • add cart accepts url and credentials on the command line


    list pallet expanded=true displays the url generalize the download function of add pallet and place it in pylib from import fetch file = fetch(url, username="", password="") username and password are optional

  • add ability to list supported switches

  • Split switch library into multiple files

  • Add vendor/make to output of 'stack list switch'

  • Add tests for 'stack add/remove host alias'

    JIRA: STACKI-286

  • add a url column to the rolls table


    add an optional expanded parameter to list pallet to display the url accept username and password parameters for downloading pallets

  • [add,list] storage [controller,partition] with 'os' scope

    changed sql commands to the new format to prevent injection


  • Validation of host interface before entering them in etc/hosts file

  • stack report ansible remove padChar ------ from output

    Also moved ansible into foundation-python-packages, and cleaned up the code to use correct stacki-style argument parsing

  • when adding a new api group, if the group already exists, the command error that gets raised is malformed

  • Ensure stack report host only produces unique entries.

  • Update interface information with MAC addresses correctly

    When installing a backend node, all the interfaces are reported back by the installer. Any interfaces missing on the frontend, will be added to the database.

    The Bug is - when interfaces are specified in the database, with all the information except the MAC address, this call fails to update the MAC address.

    This commit fixes that.


  • Set the frontend root password during

  • minor tweak to make running more user-friendly

  • Plugins no longer run on a remove of an empty a:backend

  • Prevent syncing dhcpd with duplicate host interfaces

  • Fix database backup cronjob script

  • Major overhaul of the Dell x1052 ethernet switch configuration code.

    BREAKING CHANGE: Apply 'ALTER TABLE switchports DROP PRIMARY KEY;' to database.

  • Prevent loading a hostfile with entries containing an IP but no network

    This fixes JIRA: STACKI-551

  • In select(), we need to stringify the sql parameters to be able to join() them.

  • Prevent set host boot from throwing exception when given a valid-but-empty host specification.

  • add api user needs to return formatted output

    This fixes JIRA: STACKI-536

    When running stack add api user, the code would print the credentials of the user that were just created. This mean when this command was called through the ReST API, it would fail, since it would print the output on standard out, and not through stacki command line formatted output.

    This commit fixes the above problem.

    FEATURE: Calling "add api user" from the ReST API returns JSON

    The following JSON

          "hostname": "",
          "key": "ran.dom.key",
          "username": ""

This can then be parsed by clients for future use.

  • fix typo in remove storage partition and prevent call/command list.firewall from printing other appliance rules as their own

  • 'sync host network' continues without backend's ssh available

  • Added more required input and error handling for "remove storage partition"

    Now requires device="*" to remove all scope=global partitioning Warns when using deprecated host input without scope=host Warns when using a non-existent scope

  • Removed extra "." on PQDN


  • starting release 5.1rc6



  • cleanup report attrfile

    print each entry on a single line ignore attrs with empty values; if loaded back these will erase attrs completely unload attrfile updated for python 3

  • Add "chassis power" commands to control and list the power settings of hosts.

    To set the power on a host, execute:

    stack set host power {host ...} command="on"|"off"|"reset"

    To list the power for a host, execute:

    stack list host power {host ...}


  • SLES nukedisks=false is now functional 💾

    JIRA: STACKI-307


  • starting release 5.1rc5



  • Add carts using URLs. Remove Unpack Carts

    Add carts using URL. Remove "unpack" cart command Clean up docstrings. Use authentication for downloading carts using URLS

    Fixes JIRA: STACKI-503

  • Reject common hostnames ('frontend' and 'backend')

    This fixes JIRA: STACKI-350

  • Add user settable host metadata

    This is similar to the AWS meta-data, the idea being a container for arbitrary data unique to a host. stack set host metadata is used to set this and the data itself is made available from a read-only host attribute called metadata.

    The same thing could have been accomplished using a standard attribute, but the intention is to have the semantics that this is unique to a host and not subject to the standard attribute inheritance rules.

    BREAKING CHANGE: schema addition

    $ mysql cluster
    MariaDB [cluster]> alter table nodes add column MetaData text default NULL;
  • Have the test-framework VMs use less RAM

    Change all the VMs to be created with 1GB of RAM instead of 2GB. That should still be enough for them to get their jobs done.

  • Generate Release Notes Automatically

    stack-releasenotes is installed on all nodes

    This is generated from the Git Log and assumes the new nice format for commits. Ugly old git logs are also included (for now)


  • Cart permissions need to be recursively applied.

    Cart permissions were only being applied at the top level, and to the files in the directories. None of the directory permissions changed. This commit fixes it so that directory permissions change as well

  • Give backends 2GB each during tests

    It turns out that the Centos 7 backends don't like to install into anything with less than 2GB of RAM.

  • Don't install the stacki-releasenotes package on SLES11

  • stack list os

    list os needs to trick the endOutput code to report only one column, all other commands report multiple columns. Recent changes in endOutput broke the trick. For output-format=json the was not broken, only for text output.

  • stack list host sorts hosts by rack/rank numerically then alphabetically

    Hosts will be sorted by rack numerically first, then alphabetically. That is, all hosts with numerical rack values will be listed first, then all hosts with non-numerical rack values will be listed last.

    Hosts with the same rack value, will be sorted numerically first, then alphabetically. Below is an example output of stack list host:

    stacki-2-1 0 0 frontend
    backend-0-0 1 station-11 backend
    ethernet-2-1 2 1 switch
    stacki-2-10 2 10 backend
    stacki-2-11 2 11 backend
    stacki-2-12 2 12 backend
    infiniband-2-18 2 18 switch
    infiniband-2-20 2 20 switch
    ethernet-2-43 2 43 switch
    backend-0-1 sector-42 2 backend
    backend-0-2 sector-42 3 backend
    backend-0-3 sector-42 4 backend
    backend-0-4 sector-42 station-8 backend
  • Ignore drop database warning

    This fixes JIRA: STACKI-493

  • SLES11 doesn't have the stack-releasenotes package (currently)

  • Better handling for old pip wheel files

    pip2src crashed on a package update because it of lazy parsing of the METADATA file.

  • stack-releasenotes missing from manifest


  • starting release 5.1rc4



  • Separate stack remove storage partition into commands based on scope.

    Below commands have been introduced:

    • stack remove appliance storage partition
    • stack remove host storage partition
    • stack remove os storage partition

    JIRA: STACKI-246

  • Add non-ethernet interfaces to database

    • Send back ipmi interfaces, and InfiniBand interfaces to frontend, during install.
    • On brand new machines, root user is not created or enabled in the BMC. This explicity creates, and enables the root user.
  • Add new exception ArgNotFound for invalid entities

    Don't return CommandError for bad lookups in *ArgumentProcessor, instead return ArgNotFound

  • Add test-framework to Stacki codebase

    This moves the stacki-test-framework project into the stacki codebase so that the tests can be easily kept in sync with changes to the code.

  • More boot argument for Console Installs

    • Add i40e driver support for all SLES 11 SP3 installs. This will load the Intel i40e driver into the kernel. If we happen to use Intel Purley nodes, then the driver gets used. Otherwise, it gets ignored.

    • Add nomodeset and textmode for all console installs We do not require X drivers for console installs. On Intel reference nodes, installs will stall if it tries to load the X VGA driver. So force it to not load the drivers.

  • Calculate, report and list the MD5 hashs for hosts.

    Calculate, report and list the MD5 hashes of a host's:

    • pallets
    • carts
    • profile (e.g., kickstart file, autoyast file, etc.)

    This will be reported by a host via the message queue.

    One can check if a host is 'synced' or 'notsynced' by executing:

    stack list host hash=y

    The above command adds a 'HASH' column with the status.

  • add ability to specify 'channel' as a parameter for add host interface

  • Make table output format more consistent.

    stack list commands with NULL output in the last column will now have -'s printed up to the width of that column's header as in other columns.

    This allows cell filling in the 'channel' column of stack list host interface, without cluttering the output with lots of -'s in stack list host if 'comment' is long.

  • Add jmespath module

    This module is needed by Ansible's json_query filter.


  • stack load storage partition failed for host partitions

    This was a new bug since stacki-5.1rc2

  • Run udevsettle to wait for controller config to finish

    When configuring the controller, the command can exit, but the controller still hasn't completed configuration. udevsettle waits until the controller is done, before generating partitioning info

  • Remove stack run host test since it requires salt

    This was old code left over from StackIQ Enterprise. It's great stuff but beyond the mission of ping and prompt. It may come back again one day.

    Removed this since it was barfing on the code coverage tests due to missing python modules.

  • WS flush cache and don't return stack trace on CommandError

    WS runs multiple threads with each long lived thread managing its own cache. A thread cannot invalidate another thread's cache, so always flush right before running the stack command (subcommands still use the cache).

    Previously we sent the stack trace on CommandErrors, now behave the same as and send the nice error message.

    Code cleanup based on flake8.

  • Allow correct python db api parameters

    Allow our sql methods (execute() and select()) to accept either our current style, which is vulnerable to sql injection, or the correct style which allows the database driver to correctly handle escaping parameters. This will let us migrate code to the safer syntax gradually.

    See github issue #198 for more details

  • Check for duplicate hosts correctly

    When using function, make sure to not have "select" as the first word in the sql statement. This is implicit, and adding it will cause the code to fail.

  • make new appliances 'managed' in some situations

    Appliances are already set to kickstartable==True if node==backend This piggy backs on that behavior to make them also managed==True 📎

    Remove redundant appliance attributes.

  • Loading hostfile csv throws error on frontend renames 🔏

    CommandError(self, 'Renaming frontend is not supported!') JIRA: STACKI-272

  • Run pallet fails if frontend has more than one pallet of the same name

    If there are 2 pallets of the same name on the frontend, even if they happen to be different versions, or releases, and they belong to different boxes, "run pallet" will still fail on an SQL subquery.

    Make the SQL query cleaner, and context specific.

  • blank run host command= no longer hangs

    🏃 JIRA: STACKI-325

  • stack list host graph

    Bring stack list host graph to the 21st century

  • Refer to the correct information

    When printing nukecontroller information, refer to the list that contains nukecontroller information and not the nukedisks information.

  • cleanup entity names in example csv files

  • Make api response return JSON

    The api response was mistakingly running json.dumps against the text version of the command response, causing the output to be double encoded.

    This fixes JIRA: STACKI-432


  • starting release 5.1rc3

  • Update

  • Update



  • make report.version nicer for output-format=json

  • 5.1rc2 start

  • remove mariadb.tar.gz from the list of 3rd party packages to download

  • The '' changed to return cached data, and the cache

    isn't expired when the daemon adds newly discovered hosts via subprocess calls. We don't need the DB cache for our purposes.

    Clear the cache when needed.

  • Make OS bootactions os-less

    • fix the XML that sets this
      • fix list bootaction to find os-less actions
  • Add os param explicitly for install actions of type=install

    Added ID (primary key) column to bootactions table since mariadb does not allow primary keys to have NULL values.

    Refer for more information.

    Removed validation code that makes os param mandatory for action=install. This breaks existing bootactions in node xml files.

    Add os param explicitly for install actions of type=installl

    Add default os only for boot action type=install

    Updated set bootaction kernel, args, ramdisk to handle case where OS=null

  • Cleanup output of list storage partition.

    Now it's ordered by scope, device, partid, size, and fstype

  • Add i40e network driver to SLES 11 SP3 Initrd 🚗

    Updated README for i40e driver

  • When using shortnames, stack run host can break

    When an interface in the database is set to use shortnames, that becomes its quasi-default interface, since that shortname is how run host connects to the node.

    However, it's possible that this interface is not on a network that the frontend can access. If that's the case, the frontend cannot run a run host command against it.

    To avoid this problem, we use the '' attribute. This will tell 'run host' which network to use when talking to hosts. If this attribute doesn't exist, 'run host' will use the shortname (default old-style behaviour)

    Use fully qualified domain names when syncing firewall

    Use getRunHosts method to get fqdn for hosts. Scaling improvements

    Decode the output of subprocess before returning Fix report host network, and make is OS specific Fix sync host network again to run the entire command in parallel

  • remove wxpython and dependencies, doesn't touch code



  • bugfixes for rmq (and shortname)

    • When sending a string use send_string
    • Allow rmq-publish to connect to a remote host
    • We need to decode() the hostname
    • Ignore hosts that are not in the cluster
    • Need netifaces on backends
  • SLES does not like MAC addresses that are uppercase.

  • fix tiny typo because I copy-paste 🔎

  • starting release 5.1rc1

  • add default database to root's my.cnf

  • overhaul database.xml to force mariadb config to common known state across distros

  • Bug fix. Initialize empty group set for each host

  • Too many quotes

  • ludicrous cleaner is a method, needs itself 📛

  • If the 'stack list host xml' fail return the stack trace with a 500

    error to force the backend to try again.

  • remove foundation mariadb and use only system mariadb. big savings on compile time.

  • Add more documentation to add host route command 📗

  • scim package should have 'foundation' in the name 😖

  • call ludicrous-cleaner on add pallet and add cart

    Add status route

    Add silent flag to curl command 🙊

    Service that erases all packages being tracked by Ludicrous

  • remove unused package

    check for the frontend correctly

    lets check if its the frontend properly ✨

  • Change interface "default" behaviour :network: 🚌

    Setting an interface to default causes 2 events.

    1. Set the shortname of the host to the default interface
    2. Set the default routing for the host

    Change behaviour so that 1 can be overridden by setting an interface option. Setting interface option to "shortname" causes the shortname to be assigned to that interface instead.

  • Modify .Jenkinsfile to clone iso-builder

  • Fix BoxArgumentProcessor typo

  • Switched more self.db.execute to self.db.cache

    Tossed SQL out of add host and use commands Tossed getHostnames out of add host and use SQL

    tests/ size = 10 add host 1.409s list host 0.163s list host profile 0.639s remove host 2.214s size = 20 add host 2.859s list host 0.175s list host profile 0.661s remove host 2.389s size = 30 add host 4.346s list host 0.193s list host profile 0.736s remove host 2.482s size = 40 add host 5.670s list host 0.242s list host profile 0.748s remove host 2.514s size = 100 add host 14.380s list host 0.354s list host profile 0.898s remove host 3.069s size = 1000 add host 159.959s list host 3.801s list host profile 4.293s remove host 15.800s

  • Added timing for generating a single host profile (was 30 seconds @ 1000 nodes)

    Fixed SQL Cache to be Global (was per DatabaseConnection instance) Fixed --debug flag for

    tests/ size = 10 add host 1.321s list host 0.159s list host profile 0.702s remove host 4.326s size = 20 add host 2.716s list host 0.191s list host profile 0.711s remove host 4.355s size = 30 add host 4.087s list host 0.208s list host profile 0.803s remove host 2.417s size = 40 add host 5.571s list host 0.247s list host profile 0.814s remove host 2.635s size = 100 add host 14.913s list host 0.426s list host profile 0.995s remove host 5.209s size = 1000 add host 357.486s list host 3.895s list host profile 4.608s remove host 15.940s

  • remove extra parentheses

  • use the max_vlan attr instead of hard coded 100

  • write the static ip block

  • store switch name in a variable instead of using the dict

  • Disable the 'bootflags' attribute cleanup

    This was used back when we modified the grub files, it is now dead code This fixes the 'remove host' scaling. tests/ size = 10 add host 1.339s list host 0.141s remove host 4.456s size = 20 add host 2.751s list host 0.134s remove host 2.585s size = 30 add host 4.123s list host 0.146s remove host 2.706s size = 40 add host 5.634s list host 0.152s remove host 3.009s size = 100 add host 15.263s list host 0.164s remove host 3.633s size = 1000 add host 358.226s list host 0.832s remove host 21.424s

  • Fix the test

    Output below (numbers don't matter the scaling does) 'remove host' is messed up

    tests/ size = 10 add host 1.315s list host 0.135s remove host 2.886s size = 20 add host 2.798s list host 0.141s remove host 3.439s size = 30 add host 4.200s list host 0.145s remove host 4.483s size = 40 add host 5.825s list host 0.160s remove host 5.617s size = 100 add host 15.259s list host 0.186s remove host 16.499s size = 1000 add host 361.726s list host 1.431s remove host 1485.701s

  • Update service check to include more port definitions ☑️

  • Add 'switch_max_vlan' attribute

    The purpose of the attribute is to limit the vlan id that can be set on a port. The reason being is that if the vlan is too high, the switch can lock up or the connection may timeout when the switch is being configured.

  • remove configure method

  • Add more exception handling. Created a SwitchException

  • disable ludicrous service check in 'report system'. A future commit will add back some form of check against an endpoint still to be written.

  • exception touch ups

  • remove unused packages

  • Remove discovery code

  • Switch command fixes

    Fix import error

    Fix switch interface commands

    Add interface param to 'add switch host' command

    Interface column in 'load switch hostfile'

    Add interface column to hostfile report 🔥

    Add load switchfile command

    Add report switchfile

  • Fix ludicrous client exeptions that were crashing the client

    If the network changed while in the middle of package installation, requests would timeout and raise an exeption that was unhandled.

    All execption are now handled with logs about which function is throwing the exception.

    Also, every request is retried 3 times to give time for the new connection to come up if something did happen with the network. Letting requests handle this wouldn't create a new connection.

  • Support for setting final_reboot and confirm options for sles

  • Revert "Changes for altering 'os' column in bootactions table default to NULL value"

    This reverts commit b67827a4f124ef121c61a4eac3374090cf68f073.

  • Revert "Changes for altering 'os' column in bootactions table default to NULL value"

    This reverts commit d074da12efe0a5a327c85a79be566bc3ea90a127.

  • Revert "Removed debug print statements"

    This reverts commit 52cd93031ac14d274ddc3374bd4b48fbcc5a1b80.

  • Revert "Remove os parameter for bootactions of type os"

    This reverts commit 7fe55937310058dd8379f84ccc26b8f22c01743d.

  • Revert "Changes for altering 'os' column in bootactions table default to NULL value"

    This reverts commit b67827a4f124ef121c61a4eac3374090cf68f073.

  • Revert "Remove os parameter for bootactions of type os"

    This reverts commit 01f47511b3d7973d99369e196578f3318c068a75.

  • Add 'Server=' to SLES 11.3 bootactions

  • add purge route to clear the redis cache of all packages

  • Add ludicrous prefix to all packages

  • removed bz and lmza compression.

  • import stacki.api

  • Quick fix for True issue 😧

    Really I think this needs a bit of an overhault to use bools. Until I get the autoyast working for nukedisks=false I don't want to dive into that due to the large number of tests required.

  • remove port for peerdone call ✨

  • lets put the config file in the correct directory 👏

  • D'oh! tftp runs on UDP not TCP 🔥 :brickwall:

  • Remove os parameter for bootactions of type os

  • Removed debug print statements

  • Changes for altering 'os' column in bootactions table default to NULL value

  • Changes for altering 'os' column in bootactions table default to NULL value

  • move conditional to script tag

  • Remove os parameter for bootactions of type os

  • Not enough script tags 🔥 💀

  • simple services are not simple 🚫

  • place configuration file in appropriate location for httpd and apache2

  • remove ludicrous route prefix in ludicrous server since apache is handling that now

  • Bug fixes. 🐛

    Disable the correct service Use full path for stack command

  • Removed debug print statements

  • Changes for altering 'os' column in bootactions table default to NULL value

  • Changes for altering 'os' column in bootactions table default to NULL value

  • Enable DNS for SLES frontends 📛

  • Reduce scope of intrinsic firewall rules 🔶 -> 🔸

    Fixes JIRA STACKI-342 The Current Intrinsic Firewall rules are generated on a per-network basis to allow HTTP, HTTPS, RMQ, and SSH access to all hosts on a network that is PXE enabled.

    These ports are then open on all hosts (frontend and backends) whether they are required or not. This can be a security problem for unsuspecting admins.

    Change this as follows: For all PXE capable networks, the firewall configuration should be

    1. Frontend allows access on HTTP(S), TFTP, and RMQ ports
    2. Backends allow access on SSH, and RMQ-control ports

    For all DNS enabled network, the intrinsic firewall configuration should be

    1. Frontend allows access on DNS ports (Both UDP and TCP)
  • Remove the need for a separate port

  • Pushing files that were missed for STACKI-92 'Fill in missing command docstrings'

  • 📭 remove and disable the cronjob for sles11

  • different config file location for redhat

  • autostackily generate a manifest file for 3rdparty rpm's

    adds optional 'manifest' flag in 3rdparty.json skips non-rpm files and is false by default 📃

  • add a try/except around file saving

  • add some documentation 📒

  • undo initrd

  • Burn it to the ground 🔥 and start over 🐣

  • start ludicrous-client on redhat as well

  • lets actually start the ludicrous client 🚀

  • put ludicrous client service file in the right place

  • include ludicrous config file

  • BugFix (minor)

    Allow the zone for the default network to be blank. Prior, if this was the case /etc/resolv.conf had "search " in the file.

  • Can't assign a port to a vlan Id without first creating it

  • Use rpm to infer name,arch,version, release 🔥

    BUG: When Stacki moved to python3, the import rpm and related python calls failed. As a fallback, we relied on parsing the filename to get basename architecture, version, and release, using string.split and regex-es. This meant that if an RPM has a non standard file name, we don't get the RPM information, and ignore the file.

    FIX: Use the rpm utility to get all the information that we need.


  • Unpack fixes.

    Docstring fixes.

  • Fix unpack.

  • Pack/unpack fixes.

  • Ported bonding code into SLES release.

    Moved redhat/nodes/node.xml and sles/nodes/node.xml into common/nodes/node.xml.

    Improved code that sets ip_forward to 1. It sets ip_forward to 1 even if ip_forward is not in /etc/sysctl.conf.

  • show the correct network 🔥

  • fix path to ludicrous-client

  • let apache handle ludicrous with wsgi

  • Default 'INSTALLACTION' and 'RUNACTION' are now 'default' and 'default' (not 'install' and 'os').

  • The default serial console at Teradata is ttyS0, not ttyS1.

  • Dont write a comment for a firewall rule that not generated.

  • fix variable name

  • Fix massive hole in firewall 💥

    When a firewall rule is defined for a network, if a host does NOT have an interface on that network, a rule is generated to accept all traffic on all interfaces for that host. Essentially no firewall.

  • barnacle.xml fix centos / same as sles

  • Fix

    Again Stop doing this Please


  • SLES11 doesn't have stack-switch

  • Put node-certs in common.

    Remove node-certs from sles/redhat.

  • mod_wsgi fixed in python-packages

    I think Mike fixed this and I built it first :poop:

  • set switch interface commands

  • forgot myself

  • throw an error if one or more tests fail

  • remove conflicting file

  • AWS

    Fix zypper repos before barnacle Add pallets twice so SLES gets patched

  • Change how RPM.STRATEGY=copy works.

    When using RPM.STRATEGY=copy, the expectation is that all RPM files are already part of the source tree. However, if RPMS are downloaded during build time, the copy targets are created before any RPMS are downloaded, causing the copy command to fail.

    Instead, we now source makefile target directly, so that the copy target isn't calculated until make is called directly

  • Simplify the database "grants" and create a "restore" script for the database that applies

    the latest database dump and reapplies the grants.

  • remove redundant partitionid in 'list storage partition'

  • Install stack-switch

  • Don't need to lowercase spaces

  • fix the spaces 🚀

  • Replace translate() with replace() -- it is a python 2 -> 3 thing.

  • Some whl files don't contain a metadata.json so we need to check

    for a file METADATA

    This commit requires a new 'make bootstrap'

  • dependency for stack-switch

  • add switch appliance and set managed to false

  • remove list vlan as it doesn't return any useful information

  • add support for username and password attr

  • Fix for read-only serial console that runs in the second stage of YaST.

  • Update

    Added Slack Invite Link

  • fix some copyrights

  • nvme matching regex missing a pipe

  • Port the 'noreport' option from Red Hat to SLES.

  • Add the message queue ports to the intrinsic firewall rules

  • implementation for sync switch

  • implementation for report switch

  • implementation for list switch status

  • implementation for list switch mac

  • update ludicrous to handle network timeouts with 'Dad Mode'

  • Filled in missing docstrings for stacki commands.

  • add implementation to list switch config

  • add implementation to list host switch status

  • Give the user a way to put the serial console into read-write mode while in the second

    stage of the yast installation (the yast code that run on the first boot).

    The use case is we really want serial console read-only to be set, but we need a way to temporarily turn it off so we can debug.

  • 3825 != 3285

  • report switch hostfile

  • load switch hosfile

  • check for host on same network

  • Update storcli. Support for SSDs that don't support full disk encryption

  • check if host exists before trying to add it to the switch

  • remove set switch host vlan command

  • Add plugins for remove host interface to support aliases

  • Check for matching network on the frontend

  • Should have been using node instead of name when querying networks table

  • missed a line

  • Require hostname when removing alias

  • Avoid duplicating existing host as alias. Taylor Sanchez committed

    Maybe there should be the reverse as well when adding a host, otherwise "stack report host" could generate some dumb host files.

  • Revert "Avoid duplicating existing host as alias."

    This reverts commit a76c36e94f98095ad1d79e6e551d5e3639a33f8d.

  • Fixed a mix up of device and interface

  • Avoid duplicating existing host as alias.

    Maybe there should be the reverse as well when adding a host, otherwise "stack report host" could generate some dumb host files.

  • minor code refactor

  • set default vlan to 1 if nothing is set

  • docstring update

  • Move redhat specific code into the redhat implementation

  • Python string "None" is not the same as mariadb NULL value

  • Few more fixes from testing.

  • add arguments for switch reports

  • call report switch before syncing switch

  • Bug fix. Don't make sure localhost rule doesn't open up the firewall

  • Database scheme update, I should have changed Node to Network, not Name.

  • Actually Updated zones to handle new alias database scheme

    I didn't grab the files from the server, and commited some half wirtten code earlier. Also appears to have fixed some tabs vs spaces issue I introduced with the bad commit.

  • docstring for sync switch

  • remove setting of static ip

  • Figured that probably wouldn't work. Guess I'll copy the '0' from the line above.

  • add ip address block in config file

  • more docstring

  • Updated zones to handle new alias database scheme

  • Comment placement was messing with code folding, indented

  • alias updates to allow per interface aliasing

  • CentOS FE AMI works

  • docstring for list switch status

  • remove entries that match have switch entries

  • Check for networks before trying to add a host

  • some code refactoring

  • remove switch host command

  • update list switch host command

  • fix report host interface command

  • Update switch status to show host information

  • fix ordering of db schema

  • If a node has only 1 interface, and that interface DHCPs,

    then it doesn't have IP address, in the interfaces table. So hostaddr attr shouldn't be set.

  • CentOS in the Cloud

  • remove switch host command

  • fix options=

    was missing quotes

  • update report to use new switchports schema

  • fix typos

  • If the network is DHCP it might not have an ip or netmask set.

  • use vlanid from networks table

  • report switch fix

  • sort mac address output

  • fix doc

  • fix missing tag

  • update docstrings

  • use getSwitchNames method instead

  • change subnet to network

  • remove confirmhosts param

  • add 'raw' parameter to show raw output instead of tabled output

  • switch 'host' to 'switch'

  • rearrange columns

  • add stack-switch to manifest

  • switch host and switch column

  • RedHat

    Use Kickstart_PrivateAddress as the tracker, this is what SLES does. But we need to create stack_site twice initrd (new code) %pre (storage.xml)

    Previously we used the next-server dhcp option which is fine for bare metal but doesn't work in AWS.

    So yeah, this is an AWS fix that happens to make RedHat and SLES do the same thing.

    Cloud rules !!!!

  • Bug fix: Service and Table were switched.

    Enhancement: Consolidate all intrinsic ports to a single firewall rule

  • D'oh! Forgot to move the Make infrastructure

  • Move from stacki-tools into stacki

  • Decide between host based routing and switch based routing

  • add list host switch status command

  • add list host switch status command

  • add model to list switch

  • Add ability to put serial console into read-only mode during the installation.

    Controlled by setting the attribute 'read_only_serial_console' to:

    'true' - put the console into read-only mode 'false' - put the console into read/write mode

  • Bug fix. Remove unnecessary print

  • document structure of 3rdparty.json and authfile.json

  • Add authentication support to 3rd party code.

    Add retries when downloading fails

  • Fix sles11 foundation-ansible manifest.

  • Add rpms to ansible-base.

  • Graph/node fixes.

  • list switch status starting point

  • add interface and host column to list.switch.mac

  • Remove "stack set host address." A change to the frontend

    private network now absolutely requires a reinstall.

  • Fix of options.

  • Fix incorrect merge

  • change add switch host to relect db changes

  • change db schema to interface, switch, and port since vlan will be pulled from networks table

  • add model to 'list switch'

  • dhcp fix.

  • Ansible changes.

  • stacki output for macs

  • stacki output for running config

  • Copying to startup configuration optional

  • duh

  • move sync switch

  • remove switch command

  • stack add switch command

  • Added pydocs for 'list firewall' code.

  • report host interface

    fix for non-dhcp and virtual interfaces remove strip() and make sure everything is a string

  • Added intrinsic firewall rules for pxe=True networks.

    Refactored 'list firewall' code to make it similar to 'list attr'

  • Now using 3rdparty.json instead of 3rdparty.manifest

    You can know specify different sources for the blobs, at some point this could include sourcing from artifactory. Still provides a single source for each blob, but each blob could come from a different place.

  • graph/node ansible xmls.

    report/sync commands.

  • remove new aws packages from sles11 manifest, was breaking builds

  • Ansible support.

  • enable and disable switch host discovery daemon

  • Add discovery option for host discovry on switches

  • refactor code a bit

  • Do the same thing for barnacle appliances and replicants.

  • fix python whitespace (health processor was broken)

  • report host interface - change dhcp code

    If an interface is 'default' and has the 'dhcp' option set the following: DHCLIENT_SET_HOSTNAME="yes" DHCLIENT_SET_DEFAULT_ROUTE="yes" For non-default dhcp interfaces set the above to "no"

    This was needed for AWS but will still work in Vagrant.

    Also cleaned up the code to use 'list host interface expanded=true' so we could remove the call to 'list network'.

  • add test to see if stacki rest api is running

  • happy new year

  • New Frontend (ami-c61437bc) and Backend (ami-3e436044) AMIs

    To build a cluster

    1. Start a Frontend instance
    2. Use you AWS ssh key to log in after 5 minutes
    3. Start a Backend instance with the following in the user data { "master": "ipaddress-of-frontend" }

    There is no step four, you are done.

  • organize files into separate folder

  • set switch host vlan

  • remove hard coded values

  • set default vlan to 1 and set required to False

  • remove exception for now

  • add switch host

  • Print hosts connected to each switch

  • use new Switch method instead Host method

  • Add a SwitchArgumentProcessor

  • remove copy pasta

  • create separate config file for each switch

  • Get vlan config from switch

  • Port management table. Defines what port a node is connected to on a switch.

  • Check if redis has a status instead of calculating the time

  • Fix directory paths

  • Forgot to capatlize on more

  • set timeout per host

  • move writing config file into stack report

  • Attributes uses a capital True.

    STACKI-178: My testing was hitting the blanked out fstab part of the if statement, so this morning I realized a completely fresh install doesn't function right. Quick fix.

  • Found one more pallets attribute, swapping it real quick

    STACKI-215 (Also I should have used an elif, but ignore that)

  • Retry curl command when it fails downloading 3rd party packages

  • Set ChallengeResponseAuth to true. Allows for password logins

  • initial reporting for switches

  • Using os and os.version instead of release

  • reference correct attribute

  • Fix sles11 build

    Looks like this was needed for the build process, otherwise sles11 builds fail on stack-discovery

  • Add some stack commands

  • Initial Switch Configuration 🚀

  • Separated out change for missing fstab on nukedisks=false

  • Appears to be working for nukedisks=false

    Going to do some more testing, but most of this should be done.

  • Only check the ip if it exists

  • Missed file fix

  • Fix links to packages.

    Fix references to other makefiles, and to localrepo

  • Fix stack create package command.

  • Small doc fix

  • Start support for SLES 12.3

  • Update redis status to 'Installing packages' during install

  • Checkpoint: Actually install the new stack-discovery package on the frontend.

  • Apparently we don't like conditionals on a tag.

    Only on an tag

  • syntax fix

  • Checkpoint: Discovery builds as an RPM

  • Put back replicant conditional

  • use the release attribute instead of pallets

  • Checkpoint: Add --no-install flag to just discover nodes and add them to the DB, but don't install an OS. Add --debug flag for more log output.

  • add test_ to test filenames

  • Checkpoint: Discovery daemon now sends out messages and the discover-nodes TUI displays them in a pretty way.

  • for sles, disable the suse firewall, not firewalld

  • fix host route bug

  • remove hard coded value

  • Removed hardcoded sles11=True

  • Checkpoint: Created the basic TUI for discover-nodes. Now just to lay the MQ plumbing.

  • Trying out the Jenkins build process

  • add stack-barnacle to manifest to make builds stop failing

  • cleanup fix for jenkins

  • cleanup fix for jenkins

  • stack add host interface bugfix

  • Checkpoint: Add stack disable, enable, and report commands for discovery

  • Only delete vm's on failure

  • Jenkins needs a node

    This syntax is weird, and might not work with more than one builder...

  • Docstrings update.

    CLI wiki code updated for python3. Merge branch 'feature/docstrings' into develop

  • cleanup build vms

  • Yeah, that's embarrassing.

  • Be nice, for once. Mostly to yourself.

  • Change "compute" to "backend."

  • genrcldocs python3 changes.

    Markdown fix for help format.

  • If no database is present stack report host shouldn't fail

  • Revert graph structure to include mq-client for sles11 machines

  • Getting closer to a Frontend AMI

    Build a barnacle appliance but don't run the graph Generate site.attrs from host state when a new instance starts Run the graph Reboot or so that's the idea it's 80% there right now

  • also update routes file if syncnow is true

  • encode subprocess call to utf-8

  • check for different Apache service names

  • Bug fixes

  • Checkpoint: Remove all the SQL from the library, use instead.

  • Checkpoint: Can detect DHCP, add hosts, and see the kickstarts.

  • Remove 'assumeyes=1' in repo configuration file -- zypper/yast does not support it, that is, with

    'assumeyes=1' in the repo configuration file, you'll see warnings like this in the log:

    Unknown attribute in [nginx-12-sles12]: assumeyes=1 ignored
  • check for network and address compatibility before updating

  • Support for building replicants

  • Bridging support for SLES backends

  • Enable Backend Re-Install for AWS


       Run after ever boot and query the Frontend on what to do
       1) 'os' - do nothing
       2) 'install' - configure grub2 and reboot
  • Checkpoint: Discovery daemon can start and stop. Log monitoring code is async.

  • SLES 12, the 'stack list host partition' command now outputs


  • stack add host interface

    added options parameter

    stack report host interface do not include ip information if set to DHCP (sles) redhat already did this

  • Split AWS code into

    stack-aws-client stack-aws-server

    Backend AMI v1.0 is done


    • Frontend and Backend both DHCP
      • Don't server DHCP info for AWS hosts

    Start of init process for Frontend after the DHCPs with a new address. Reset DB information and grab the latest SSH certificate.

  • Bug fix. Need full path for stack:shell

  • Don't try to remove the route if it doesn't exist

  • client can pass the appliance type

  • Setup symlink to download kernel/ramdisk images

  • check point

  • Allow a new backend to register with the cluster and get a grub.conf

    that will start the installation.

    This is just a checkpoint, not turnkey right now.

  • Can now build AWS machines w/ Yast (now start coding it up)

    • Fix pip2src to handle unicode data in package-info
    • Find the Frontend IP from user-data if not on command line Will likely remove this, I don't think this is really needed
  • attribute functionality now moved to common node file

  • STACKI-158: discover all interfaces in sles during install

  • stack sync host firewall needs a decode and to restart stacki-iptables

    on sles, not iptables.

  • Update

  • Setup symlink to download kernel/ramdisk images

  • Copy Redhat's authroized_keys setup for SLES. It is simpler and fixes the backend install issue Bill and I were seeing.

  • check point

  • Fix DB abort connection warnings by closing the database connection when we are done with it.

  • fix 'list pallet command' for python3

  • Update

  • overwrite existing route if syncnow is true

  • Bug fix for

    Install message queue for sles11

  • add sync now args

  • Add DHCP option support for SLES

  • don't create routes for the frontend

  • remove print

  • create default host based route when supporting multitenancy

  • remove print statement

  • Update

  • Update

  • Update

  • Update

  • Allow a new backend to register with the cluster and get a grub.conf

    that will start the installation.

    This is just a checkpoint, not turnkey right now.

  • Fix tags

  • Add attribute key, value columns to csv file to support 2 different ways of specifying attributes.

  • Can now build AWS machines w/ Yast (now start coding it up)

    • Fix pip2src to handle unicode data in package-info
    • Find the Frontend IP from user-data if not on command line Will likely remove this, I don't think this is really needed
  • adding a Jenkins build file

  • Remove commented out wicked disabling sections. No longer required

    since we create network information early on

  • D'oh! Remove Bad/Unnecessary line

  • Don't disable wicked dhcp service. Required for interfaces

    that need to dhcp

  • Update

  • Update

  • Set to discover all interfaces except loop back.

  • update jenkinsfile to handle branches

  • adding a Jenkins build file

  • SLES Fixes

    STACKI-148 - SUX remove package STACKI-150 - SUX non-shell script

  • vlans need to go in the shared network block as well

  • if default route uses a virtual interface, use the main interface

  • sles dhcpd.conf support for interfaces with multiple subnets

  • Fix incorrect calling of CommandError

  • Add syncnow feature to add/remove host route commands

  • fix docstring for 'add host message'

  • fix bug for 'stack add pallet' with no args

  • Add interface column to routes tables.

    Specify interface to use in routing table.

    alter table commands:

    ALTER TABLE global_routes ADD Interface varchar(32) default NULL; ALTER TABLE os_routes ADD Interface varchar(32) default NULL; ALTER TABLE appliance_routes ADD Interface varchar(32) default NULL; ALTER TABLE node_routes ADD Interface varchar(32) default NULL;

  • SLES12 - post-packages fix

    sles11 - installs post-package after network is up - requires network scripts in the boot-pre section

       - installs post-package before network is up
       - requires network scripts in the install-post section
       This change does both, tested in 11 and 12
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