GrowingFlora is a Terasology module that generate and grow plants organically over time.
If you are interested on making the assets for dynamic plants, you might want to check out PlantPack
GrowingFlora not only handles the organic growth of plants, but also the generation of it. You can find the world generation code for the plants in src/main/java/org/terasology/gf/generator
Grass growth/spread is also handled by GrowingFlora. This allows a block of grass to spread to a dirt block and turning it into a grass block. You can find the grass growth/spread code in src/main/java/org/terasology/gf/grass
Trees generation, trees growth, and saplings are also handled by GrowingFlora.
Trees are divided into 3 main parts.
- Branch
- Leaf
- Trunk
Trees can have varying shapes. Shapes that currently exist can be found in assets/prefabs/shapes
TreeCutDamage is considered as a physical damage by the engine, it also have a directPickup set to true. You can find more information about this damage type in assets/prefabs/damage
You can find the code for trees management in src/main/java/org/terasology/gf/tree