A private journaling web app designed to help you keep track of your mood over time and store your entires for you to look back upon.
Created by Tessa, Josiah and Sam.
This was designed and implemented as a way to showcase the skills that were learned in the Lighthouse Labs Web Development bootcamp and is considered our final project of the course.
Within this project we used many tools introduced to us such as:
- React
- Typescript
- Express
- Jest
- Axios
- Node
- PostgreSQL
- Cypress (upcoming/in progress)
In a way to simulate realworld experiences we decided to use Typescript as our main programming language, one that we had not covered in the course
We started the project with a no fluff React/Express boilerplate supplied by @garrettgsb and can be found here.
- Home page Journaling form
- Write, post, save and edit journal entries
- Give each entry a Category (or none) to help you keep track of certain memories
- Give your post a mood to track your progress over time
- Customize your journaling experience!
- change your background, secondary, accent, text and form colours
- Reference your past entries by Category or by Date
- Graph your mood overtime with a dynamic date picker that lets you pick the intervals that you want to graph.
- react 17.0.2
- typescript 4.2.4
- node 14.16.0
- npm 6.14.11
- pgSQL 9.5.25
Fork this repository, then clone your fork onto your machine.
You will need TWO terminal windows/tabs to run this (or some other plan for running two Node processes).
Firstly, in either terminal, you will need to create the database. Run psql -U development
, enter the password development
, then run CREATE DATABASE chronicle_development;
. Once that is done, you can exist postgres with \q
and proceed on to the other instructions. Reminder: this does require having postgressSQL on your machine.
In one terminal, cd
into react-front-end
. Run npm install
to install the dependencies. Then run npm start
and go to localhost:3000
in your browser.
In the other terminal, cd
into express-back-end
. Run npm install
to install the dependencies, then npm run db:reset
to do the inital seeding of the server.
In this same folder create a .env
file with these secrets:
Then you can run npm run go
to start the backend server.
(this will run on localhost:8080)