I am ThaddeusJiang
Freelance developer in Japan, 🤝 looking for opportunities. 📧 thaddeusjiang[at]gmail.com
- 🤘 Good at TS/JS(NestJS, React), familiar with Database, Cloud and Web APIs
- 🙋♂️ Good at Software Architecture, design & implemented Ticketing System, HR SaaS, IoT(OCPI, OCPP)
- 😁 Speak Japanese🇯🇵, English🇺🇸 and Chinese🇨🇳.
Know me:
- Blog: https://thaddeusjiang.com
- AIer.app: https://aier.app/chat/ThaddeusJiang
Connect me:
- Email: thaddeusjiang[at]gmail.com
- X.com: https://x.com/ThaddeusJiang