I'm a Data Science practitioner
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For as we well know
var code = developer + caffeine
Data Science and Artificial Intelligence - I am passionate about harnessing the power of developing and applying machine learning methods for building algorithms and predictive models using a variety of datasets for solving impactful real world problems. I am currently interested in the field of Natural Language Processing, Computer Vision and Generative Models.
- 🔭 Technologist, innovation lover 😆
- 💬 Ask me about or Feel free to contribute to my projetcs or do pull request if you have a better solution.
🙋I am a Data frenzy guy currently
🦾Machine learning and NLP enthusiast. Bit more intrigued in 100% Renewable energy and 3D printing and Robots
🧰My skills include: Python, SQL, Sk-learn, Pandas, Data cleaning, visualization, Tensorflow, Keras, AWS Sagemaker, Azure ML Studio, Docker.
📝I love to contribute and create content related to Machine Learning, Artificial Intellingence, and Data Science.
🚀Sometimes used to think about colonization of Mars.
🤝 My secondary roles include contributing, learning.
- Build a Movie Recommendation Flask Based Deployment
- Four Takeaway of Those of You Who Want To Enter AI Industry
- EleutherAI’s GPT-J vs OpenAI’s GPT-3
⏩Reach out to me at below e-mail id for collaborations, ideas and opportunities. 👇
💡P.S.: I am looking for a change of role within Machine Learning, any leads are welcome.💡🔀
🔰Beginner: If problem looks too odd better back to beginners mindset, I'm serious that will make real sense to it though 🤝