DivRise is an iOS app written in Pure SwiftUI that tracks dividend prices of your stocks, gives you in-depth information about dividend paying stocks like the next dividend date and allows you to log your monthly dividend payments.
Architecture: Single State Redux Container
Xcode 11 will install all necessary dependencies through Swift Package Manager.
Create a configuration file for your API keys called Configuration.swift
in Dividend App/Networking/
with the following template:
struct Configuration {
let alphaVantageApiKey = ""
let newsApiKey = ""
let iexApiKey = ""
Create an AlphaVantage api key and save your API key to Dividend App/Networking/Configuration.swift
Create a NewsAPI api key and save your API key to Dividend App/Networking/Configuration.swift
Create an IEX Cloud api key and save your API key to Dividend App/Networking/Configuration.swift
Open Dividend App.xcodeproj and run
- ChartView - SwiftUI Charts
- URLImage - Remote Image Loading
- SwiftSunburstDiagram - Pie Chart with Breakdown
- If you find a bug, or would like to suggest a new feature or enhancement, it'd be nice if you could search the issue tracker first; while we don't mind duplicates, keeping issues unique helps us save time and considates effort. If you can't find your issue, feel free to file a new one.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details