Autor : Raven, Magnus Thorenson and CoM Solaufein
Encounters for Baldur's Gate II : Throne of Bhaal (ToB), Baldur's Gate: EE, Baldur's Gate II: EE, Baldur's Gate Trilogy (BGT) and the Enhanced Edition Trilogy (EET).
CoM Encounters is a WeiDU-based mod for Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn and Throne of Bhaal. It adds new encounters, improves the druid grove, makes the Shagbag encounter slightly.
- A. Improved Druids
The druids in the Druid Grove had mistakes and were lacking in some areas. Some of them had no druid scripts or druid spells even though they are druids. This has been fixed. Some of them had no weapons or armor which now has been fixed.
- B. Underdark Adventures
Here you will meet a drow party who is escorting a matron mother to Ust Natha. Things will not go well and a fight will break out. Later, on the surface, the party will meet the matron's daughter who is not very happy to see you. Also there are additional drow found in Ust Natha.
- C. Improved Shagbag
Nothing outragous added, just beefed up the Shagbag encounter and added some new weapons and items.
- D. Sewer Encounters
There are two new encounters in the sewers of Amn. They are nothing but thieves and cutthroats or are they?
- E. Windspear Ecounter
"He" of great red dragons, has sent a greeting party too meet you and your friends. They are more than thrilled to greet you. Trust me. ;)
- F. New Stores
There are three new stores included in this mod. They sell things from junk, scrolls, weapons and armor.
- G. Ring Quest
There is a quest in Umar Hills that involves a halfling and his missing ring.
Double-click the com_encounters.exe file and install to your main BG2 directory Once the install program has finished, it will launce the WeiDU installer program. Simply follow the on-screen instructions in the new DOS window.
Though this mod is made using the WeiDU standard, and should be compatible with all other WeiDU-based mods, there is always the possibility for conflicts. We suggest you install this mod AFTER the official patches, Baldurdash, and TeamBG mods. If you encounter any problems installing the mod, please our forums.
Uninstalling is simple. Double-click the setup-com_encounters.exe file and enter the given commands for Uninstallation. Afterwards, you may delete the following files:
and the contents of the "com_encounters" subfolder
Version 1.22 (March 17, 2024)
Chinese translation thanks to Lzw104522773.
Version 1.20 Review (october 19, 2023)
Spanish translation thanks to AlaisFcZ.
Update components Improved Shagbag and Improved Druids to not overwrite files.
Metadata and Labels.
Add fonction gw_convert_inventory_bam_to_ee.
Typo for french translation and for other languages.
Add GAME_IS eet.
Update readme.html, Add
Add some Death Variables.
Delay orcs spawn in front of Umar cave, after talking to Sméagol, for compatibility.
Slightly move the encounter at Windespear Hill for compatibility.
Switch BLUN17 to BLUN15 for UCMGNUT1.CRE, to avoid duplicate drop in the same area.
Remove unimplemented items from UCMGST02.STO.BUGFIXES
Corrected wrong effects for some Items
Version 1.10 All platforms Version (September 8, 2014)
Updated to be used for BG2, BGT and BG2EE in one mod.
Version 1.09BG2EE (August 30, 2014)
Updated setup to Weidu 236
Encoded the translation files.BUGFIXES
Removed the dialog string from War Hammer +4
Version 1.08BG2EE (November 15, 2013)
Compatible for BG2: Enhanced Edition. (Removed Usability text and two journal entries.)
Version 1.08 (December 22, 2012)
COMA11.ITM error: Effect #22 (opcode 206) has strange probabilities (0 and 0) - Should protect from Harm as well (also should target self)
UCMGLE01.ITM - Hide in shadows bonus should be INCREMENTED rather than SET as a % -
Version 1.07 (August 19, 2012)
Separated the Improve Shagbag and Druid Encounters so they are optional installs.
Added Shout scripts to the Chang encounter.BUGFIXES
Proficiency Type text was incorrect on some of the katanas and scimtars.
Version 1.06 (May 16, 2011)
Added Russian translation.
Version 1.05 (April 30, 2011)
Added Italian translation.
Version 1.04 (January 5, 2010)
Added portraits for some of the encounters.
UCMGBL01 (Flail +3 "Flaming Death") was unsellable.
CM2H07 (Green Dragon's Sword +4) was unsellable. -
Version 1.03 (January 13, 2009)
Fixed Patriot Helm's icon not showing.
Fixed Flail of Venom's icon not showing.
Fixed Goon's (Improved Shagbag Encounter) armor information not showing. -
Version 1.02 (May 29, 2007)
Added 3 halberd that did not show up in the mod originally. They are for sale in the Magic Carpet Ride store.
Updated the TP2 file and readme to include up to date links.BUGFIXES
Fixed Callendous. He was trying to backstab with a weapon not suited for it.
Version 1.01 (June 6, 2005)
Added French translation thanks to Thot
Added Improved Druids EncounterBUGFIXES
Fixed Improved Druid Encounter. TDR8B creature file made the game crash.
Version 1.00 Full release. (April 18, 2005)
Removed Alora npc from the mod. She deserves to have her own star on Broadway.
Update the Weidu installer to version 176.BUGFIXES
Commented out the Improved Druid Grove. I am going to do something different with this area at a later release.
Version 2.00 BETA release. (January 19, 2005)
Added banters for Alora. She will comment on Aran, Maevar, Renal Bloodscalp's dialogues.
Update the Weidu installer to version 169.BUGFIXES
Fixed missing BAM for Grand Wizard Robe, Kedl Gloves.
Fixed unidentified description for Green Dragon Armor, Patriot Helm, Kedl Gloves.
Fixed description of Winter King Plate.
Fixed description of BloodIron.
Fixed description of Cynicism.
Fixed Flail +3 "Flaming Death". It had extra damage abilities that it shouldn't.
Fixed dialogue problem with Shikoku. It was calling up a non-existant store.
Fixed the problem where improved druids and shagbag encounters did not install. It was omitted from the TP2 file.
Fixed game crashing bug involving the UCMGHUN4 creature.
Fixed game crashing bug involving the UCMGCL02 creature.
Fixed proficiency of Katana +4 "Toran El Desiade" which now uses the katana proficiency.
Fixed the drow encounter from occuring in the Graveyard if you had not gone to the Underdark yet.
Removed the extra ritual guards in Ust Natha. -
Version 1.00 BETA First release. (December 2004)