A simple stock price analyzer tool built on Vue.js, Bootstrap, and a Flask backend.
First you must have Docker installed. I use Chocolatey. This must be done from an administrative console.
# Install chocolatey.
choco install docker-desktop
# Grant regular user account access to docker. Re-login.
Add-LocalGroupMember -Group 'docker-users' -Member domain\username
Now build the Docker image in the default mode which is development
mode for this project. Then start the containers.
# Build container images.
docker-compose build
# Bring up containers.
docker-compose up
# Build container images and bring them up.
docker-compose up --build
This will launch a backend container running Python/Flask and a frontend running Node.js and Vue.js webpack. Both containers will be accessible on the localhost via your browser.
- http://localhost - Main frontend website.
- http://localhost:5000/v1/client/data - Backend API.