also able to scheduel api look ups to present info in chat channels
currently set to epic free games weekly promotions
has built in logging with winston
Create a discord bot
using the developer portal at discord
create a discord bot and create a TOKEN (Under the Bot section)
create a url using the scopes bot and applications.commands and the bot permissions administrator (might work with less permission i havent tried)
add the bot to the discord server using the url(must have admin access)
git clone the repo
$git clone
make a .env file with
BOT_TOKEN for your discord bot token
GUILD_ID for the discord server you would like it to work in
OPENAI_API_KEY for your api key from openai
EPIC_GAMES_CHANNEL_ID for the channel you would like promotions sent to
build the docker container $docker build -t .
run the docker container
$docker run
container name can be whatever you want it to be
once set up you will have access to the /chatGPT and /image commands in any channel
Example of chat gpt response
Initial request someone submits
imediate response
Full response a few seconds later that replaces the imediate response