Locker 2.0 was my first official batch application. You can use this Batch Application to lock a folder using a notepad script or cmd trick.
I started this journey by the concept of “How to Hiding My Personal Data in my Computer?”. So, No-one can have access to that data except me. And, I must say – that I have learned a lot from this simple project.
When I searched about this type of program on the internet, I Got one Built on batch Platform, it was a pre-built application (or Program may be a better term). I downloaded it and used it, But it was not that effective program because of a simple security flaw of the program.
As anyone with a little knowledge of Batch programming, can edit that batch program and he/she can see the one important line. (As Follows)
IF "%Password%" == "MyPasswordWrittenHere"
Then He/She can easily access my Personal data. So, I decided to modify it a bit. So, I created Locker 2.0 and there may be lots of unnecessary lines of code. It may contain Some Bugs as well, but you should know that it was built when I didn’t know anything about batch programming.
YOUTUBE LINK- Locker 2.0