A angular directive of jQuery Knob
jQuery Knob is a
- canvas based ; no png or jpg sprites.
- touch, mouse and mousewheel, keyboard events implemented.
- downward compatible ; overloads an input element.
bower install angular-knob --save
angular.module('knobApp', ['ui.knob']);
.controller('exampleCtrl', ['$scope', function($scope){
$scope.data = 30;
$scope.max = 200;
$scope.knobOptions = {
'displayInput': false
<body ng-app='knobApp'>
<div ng-controller="exampleCtrl">
<knob knob-data="data" knob-options="knobOptions"></knob>
<knob knob-data="data" knob-max='max' knob-options="knobOptions"></knob>
Behaviors :
- min : min value | default=0.
- max : max value | default=100.
- step : step size | default=1.
- angleOffset : starting angle in degrees | default=0.
- angleArc : arc size in degrees | default=360.
- stopper : stop at min & max on keydown/mousewheel | default=true.
- readOnly : disable input and events | default=false.
UI :
- cursor : display mode "cursor", cursor size could be changed passing a numeric value to the option, * default width is used when passing boolean value "true" | default=gauge.
- thickness : gauge thickness.
- lineCap : gauge stroke endings. | default=butt, round=rounded line endings
- width : dial width.
- displayInput : default=true | false=hide input.
- displayPrevious : default=false | true=displays the previous value with transparency.
- fgColor : foreground color.
- inputColor : input value (number) color.
- font : font family.
- fontWeight : font weight.
- bgColor : background color.
Tested on Chrome, Safari, Firefox, IE 9.0.