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Space Potpourri

A cauldron in which we brew up game systems.

Dev Log

This isn't strictly a changelog, but a few notes on how to develop a game with the TheCheapestPixels stack. These notes are accompanied by a set off files in game/ (FIXME: Find better place), prefixed with <#phase>_´, e.g. Most of these files are from the game/directory as well, butkeybindings.config` stems from the root directory. Please keep this in mind whe trying out a phase.

00: Setting up basics

We set up a project not quite from scratch. Afterwards we can start it, see a splash advertising Panda3D, and get dropped in the main game loop.

  • Create repository
  • Upload art to assets/; FIXME: Should be moved into the phase where it is used.
  • Fiddle with
  • Copy files from wecs_null_project:
    cp ~/wecs_null_project/ .
    cp ~/wecs_null_project/requirements.txt .
    cp ~/wecs_null_project/ .
    cp ~/wecs_null_project/keybindings.config .
    cp -r ~/wecs_null_project/game/ .

Current state: We have a running skeleton of a not-yet-a-game that we can run and (FIXME: not yet) package. To this end, we're using these packages:

  • panda3d-stageflow: The game can now be started with python, or python -s debug to jump right into the main_game_stage. This is set up in game/
  • panda3d-keybindings: The device listener is set up, and used below by the debug system.
  • wecs: The main game loop is a stageflow WECS stage consisting only of the debug system and no entities. This is set up in game/ Specifically, the wecs.panda3d.debug.DebugTools system monitors whether any of the keys defined in keybindings.config in the debug context is pressed. These are:
    • escape: quit; This simply calls sys.exit()
    • f9: console; Toggles the console. FIXME: A console does currently not exist.
    • f10: frame_rate_meter; Toggles the frame rate meter on / off.
    • f11: pdb; Calls pdb.set_trace(), giving you a pdb session on the terminal that you started the game in.
    • f12: pstats; Calls out to the pstats process that you have hopefully started already. Each binding is a trigger, meaning that its functionality will be activated in the frame that the key was pressed down in.


  • grep for STARTPROJECT and adapt
  • Redo in a blank virtualenv, and deal with dependencies
  • Package
  • Set up docs and tests

01: Let's see a rebecca.

In this phase we define aspects for characters and a third person camera, then unite them make the player_character aspect. This lets us create the player character model and look at it.

To do this, we need to modify two files:

  • An Aspect is a kind of class for entities, with a strict inheritance mechanism that will hopefully prove to prevent common error sources and make code maintainance easier by encouraging clear idioms from the start.

    Specifically, an aspect can be thought of as a list of component types. An aspect can be added to an entity, meaning that fresh new components of these types are added to that entity. Aspects also maintain override values, which are simply the values to be used when creating the components.

    Aspects can also be created from other aspects by simply adding them to its "component types" list. As this can happen recursively, you have a tree of "inheritance" that creates an aspect's list of component types. The inheritance mechanism prevents you from creating a situation where any component type is added several times, as that can lead to surprisingly hard to debug hierarchies, and ambiguity in which override value of several options to use.

    Now as for the aspects that we do define here, and the component types they contain:

    • character:
      • wecs.panda3d.prototype.Model: Acts as a in of anchor node in a scene, to which further nodes can be attached as the situation necessitates.
      • wecs.panda3d.prototype.Geometry: Adds a geometry, in this case models/character/rebecca.bam from the assetcoop package.
      • wecs.mechanics.clock.Clock: Quite a lot of systems need to know about the flow of time, usually to calculate speeds and distances. Ironically in this case it'll first be used by the camera (see below), suggesting that the clock should be broken out into a more basic aspect.
    • third_person:
      • The camera itself.
      • The camera will be moved around by the ReorientObjectCentricCamera system so as to keep the Model (and thus presumably its Geometry) focused.
    • player_character: Unifies character and third_person

    • import assetcoop: rebecca is a model from the panda3d-assetcoop package. Importing it as a module adds the directory with the art assets to Panda3D's list of lookup paths.
    • System list
      • wecs.panda3d.prototype.ManageModels: This system does a whole lot of things, depending on which component types from prototype are used. In our case, the Model's node gets attached to the scene, and the Geometry attached to that node.
      • Attaches the camera to the model.
      • wecs.mechanics.clock.DetermineTimestep: Updates the Clock components.
      • Rotates the camera. As we have no input yet, this does nothing except for setting the camera to its initial position.
    • setup: We create an entity and add the player_character aspect to it.

02: Rotating the camera

Since we have it set up already, we might as well add player control over the camera, as it gives an opportunity for a deeper dive into panda3d-keybindings and the keybindings.config to set it up.

First, in, we add the pc_mind aspect containing the wecs.panda3d.input.Input type, and the override value {'camera_movement', 'camera_zoom'} for its contexts field. This field indicates which input contexts are currently active for the entity with an Input component on it, and will likely see a lot of context- driven change thoughout a playthrough.

Then we add this aspect to the player_character aspect, so it will get added to our player entity.

Lastly we need to define the keybindings. In keybindings.config, we add the contexts camera_movement and camera_zoom. The former contains an axis2d input named rotation, which in the case of a camera in ObjectCentricCameraMode will (to nobody's surprise) rotate it around the centered object.

FIXME: Maybe repeat the whole definition of bindings and their order here; Right now I have better things to type out.

FIXME: Why do we need two contexts for camera controls?

Now we can rotate around the player character using a gamepad or the ijkl keys, and also see that gamepad input takes priority over keyboard input. As the camera is rather slow, we now add a higher turning_speed value to the ObjectCentricCameraMode as an override in the third_person aspect.

03: And now a level around us, please.

So, what is a level? A bunch of geometry created (likely in Blender) after some technical specifications (FIXME: which need to be defined and documented here), put into the right kind of entity. That kind has Model´ and Geometrycomponent types, pluswecs.panda3d.spawnpoints.SpawnMapwhich allows the spawning system to easily relocate models to spawn points on the level. Correspondingly, we add thewecs.panda3d.spawnpoints.SpawnAt` to what a character is.

In, we add the wecs.panda3d.spawnpoints.Spawn system, create a new entity using the game_map aspect, and add the name of the spawn point to use on the existing character.

We can now see the level geometry around the character, and that it is indeed put on the spawn point.

04: The basics of moving around.

To make our character model an actually controllable character, we add the basics of the character controller setup, consisting of three systems:

  • wecs.panda3d.character.UpdateCharacter´: This system reads player input and writes it onto the character's CharacterController` component. At this stage thosevalues are best thought of as an indication of what the player wants to be done, given numerically in controller space (-1.0 to 1.0 per dimension).
  • wecs.panda3d.character.Walking: This is a movement system. It turns the input into a movemet vector (turning the vector on a square into oe on a circle, avoiding the "running diagonally is faster" bug). Movement systems have to be placed between UpdateCharacter and ExecuteMovement, and be well-behaved in their mutual interactions.
  • wecs.panda3d.character.ExecuteMovement: Intention is now turned into actual movement, the model's position is updated, and speed information is calculated.

On the aspect side of things, we add the component types wecs.panda3d.character.CharacterController and wecs.panda3d.character.WalkingMovement, set a walking speed, and add 'character_movement' to the input contexts. This also requires adding the context's bindings to keybindings.config.

Now we can move around the character on the horizontal plane and rotate it left and right.

05: Respect the ground, and be smoother.

This one is easy. We add four more movement systems: Inertiing, Bumping, Falling, Jumping. Inertiing makes the whole movement process more organic by adding inertia to the movement. Bumping and falling each depend on a collision solid that is loaded from the geometric model; Bumping occurs when the character runs into an object and is held back along its horizontal plane, while falling occurs when the model needs to be moved vertically. Jumping is only possible when the model has ground contact, and when done, it adds an upward speed to the character.

We also add the corresponding movement component types to the character aspect, and keybind jumping; This time we do nor have to add a new context to the Input, but missing this is usually a typical error source for some new system not appearing to work.

As for the terrain, we make the geometry collidable by adding wecs.panda3d.prototype.CollidableGeometry, and set the mask according to what should collide with it, in this case the collision solids for falling and bumping.

06: Interaction between camera and movement

To achieve a smoother, more intuitive interaction with the character, we add a mechanic which makes the character turn toward where you are looking when it moves. This consists of two systems, wecs.panda3d.character.TurningBackToCamera and wecs.panda3d.character.AutomaticallyTurnTowardsDirection

As for the new component types on the character aspect: wecs.panda3d.character.AutomaticTurningMovement keeps track of what direction to turn in, while wecs.panda3d.character.TurningBackToCameraMovement makes TurningBackToCamera set that direction parallel to the camera's view axis. AutomaticallyTurnTowardsDirection then applies that turning to the character, and a corresponding conter-rotation to the camera.

07: Gravity

By default, the character's gravity vector is set to the character's -z vector. This can be changed on CharacterController.gravity.

For more complex situations, we need a more complex mechanic. Currently we only have inside-of-a-cylinder gravity as an alternative, but plans for more exist, so stay tuned.

This time we start with the aspects, as those define what gravity sources are used for which entities. We add wecs.panda3d.gravity.GravityMap to game_map, indicating that there are gravity-indicating nodes on the map's model, and add wecs.panda3d.gravity.GravityMovement to the character, indicating that its gravity vector should be calculated based on such nodes.

Systems-wise, wecs.panda3d.gravity.AdjustGravity will calculate the gravity on each character, based on gravity nodes used, and set it as CharacterController.gravity. wecs.panda3d.gravity.ErectCharacter will then calculate a rotation of the character so as to orient it according to its local gravity.

On both cmponents, we set node_names=['gravity'] to inicate the node to use. Epect this bit to evolve as we experiment with more complex gravity.

08: Preparing interactions.

Entitys can be Interactors, Interactees, or both. Whenever an Interactor's collision solid overlaps an Interactee of another entity, and those share a mode of interaction, that interaction is possible. In code terms that means that the Interactee entity will show up in Interactor.action_options.

The character aspect gets both Interactor and Interactee´ components, with a "handshake"interaction on both; Thus two characters standing close to each other will cause the handshake interaction to be shown as available on their respectiveInteractors when the wecs.panda3d.interaction.Interacting` system runs.

As for the rest of the changes: We need a map with multiple spawn points, and we need an NPC; That's it.

09: Zoom.

  • main_loop:
  • aspects: None (applies automatically to ´ObjectCentricCameraMode´)
  • keybindings: context camera_zoom, ´axis zoom´

10: Camera collides with terrain.

  • main_loop:
  • aspects: add CollisionZoom to camera, and CAMERA_MASK to game_map's CollidableGeometry.mask.

11: Mouseover.

Getting data on what entity and/or what point of it the user is currently hovering the mouse over is rather similar to interactions, with the Interactor replaced by the camera.

  • main_loop:
    • wecs.panda3d.mouseover.MouseOverOnEntity
    • wecs.panda3d.mouseover.PrintMouseOveredEntity
  • aspects:
    • game_map: wecs.panda3d.mouseover.MouseOverableGeometry
    • character:
      • wecs.panda3d.mouseover.MouseOverable
      • MouseOverable.solid: Add factory function that creates the moseover solid: factory(lambda: CollisionSphere(0, 0, 1, 1))
    • pc_mind:
      • wecs.panda3d.mouseover.MouseOveringCamera
      • Add "mouse_over" to Input.contexts

12: Mouseover UI.

  • main_loop: Replace wecs.panda3d.mouseover.PrintMouseOveredEntity with wecs.panda3d.mouseover.UpdateMouseOverUI.
  • aspects:
    • game_map: wecs.panda3d.mouseover.Pointable
    • character: wecs.panda3d.mouseover.Targetable
    • pc_mind: wecs.panda3d.mouseover.UserInterface


  • Programming / Documentation
    • Mouseover UI
    • Behavior trees
    • Dis-/Embodiment
    • Toggle mouseovering interface
    • Toggle 3rd person camera modes
    • Doors
    • Animation
    • Put the station level back on
  • Art
    • annotate gravity nodes: shape, direction, strength, attenuation
    • Door test level
    • Technical documentation of WECS' support for art-defined things
  • Everything else


A cauldron in which we brew up game systems







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