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Logo: A brain in a jar together with a blackboard with scribbles on it; The jar is connected by wires to an eye and a robotic arm.


Simple Python implementations of popular game AI techniques.

Current State:

  • Behavior Trees: Release Candidate
  • Utility AI: Beta
  • Search: Alpha
  • Blackboards: Alpha
  • BrainJar: Beta

Behavior Trees

Behavior trees are tree structures that represent the logic of choosing and switching the current task that a given entity should perform. The tasks are situated at the leaves of that tree, and are defined by the application that behavior trees are embedded in; In any given frame, they can be active, done, or have failed. The trees inner leaves are units of logic, and when the tree is called for execution, they route that call through the tree to tasks, depending on current circumstances. Multiple tasks may be executed each frame, and depending on their status (active / done / failed), additional tasks may or may not be executed. Note that "frame" does not actually have to correspond to a graphical frame being rendered, or any semi-fixed time span; It is merely a good shorthand for "an interval during which a tree is executed once."

For each task, pychology expects you to provide a function to call when a task is started or continued, and that it returns one of the above mentioned node states, namely NodeState.ACTIVE, NodeState.DONE, or NodeState.FAILED. These functions then are plugged into pychology.behavior_trees.Action.

Inner nodes may have a single child and do some logic; These are called decorators, and do a lot of heavy lifting. They can change the returning node state, prevent subtrees from being executed, check for conditions, count how often or for how long a subtree has been active, provide debug information, and much more. Depending on the exact type of decorator, they may expect you to provide data or a function as well.

There are also nodes that (can) have multiple children. The two most popular are the Chain (usually called Sequence), which executes a series of tasks (or rather subtrees) one after the other, and Priorities (also called Selector or Fallback) which tries running one subtree after the other until one reports something other than failure. Another node type is Parallel, which executes all of its children until one fails or all are done. Note that this is not parallelism in the sense of bits of code being executed at the same time on the CPU, but the logical parallelism of multiple subtrees all being executed within the span of a frame.

The class pychology.behavior_trees.BehaviorTree can act as a root node that automatically resets the tree's state after it has finished or failed, and can also run arbitrary code to integrate with the wider environment that the tree is embedded in.

An example on how to go through a door:

        DoneOnPrecondition(                  # The first task is done
            is_door_open,                    # if the door is open,
            Priorities(                      # otherwise try to
                Action(open_door),           # open it
                ReturnActiveOnDone(          # or try again after
                    Action(unlock_door),     # unlocking it,
                ReturnActiveOnDone(          # or try again after
                    Action(pick_door_lock),  # picking the lock,
                FailOnPrecounter(            # or try
                    4,                       # three times to
                    Action(kick_in_door),    # kick in the door.
        Action(walk_through_door),           # Afterwards, go through.

Utility AI

While Behavior Trees are a powerful way to structure an AI's reasoning, they are basically a thin syntactic layer that adapts the concepts of flow control to an environment in which time exists. Implementing a Behavior Tree is conceptually not too different from hardcoding an AI's behavior in code; There is precious little abstraction going on.

Utility AI is a way to make the decision on which action to pursue based on the more abstract concept of considerations. The basic approach is this:

  • A Reasoner is an AI that has a set of Options, which are the available actions.
  • Each Option is assigned a set of Considerations, which calculates a utility value based on the current circumstances. Typically, these values are floating point numbers in the [0.0, 1.0] range.
  • To prepare for choosing an Option, for each Option, the utility of each of its Considerations is calculated, and the results are multiplied, yielding the utility of the Option as a whole.
  • There are two basic ways to make the final choice:
    • Absolute value: Just choose the highest-scored Option.
    • Relative value: A weighted random choice is made between the Options, with the weight of each being its utility value.

Both of these approaches to choosing an Option have drawbacks. When using only the absolute value, the AI will behave optimally and predictably, but this can also be rather boring in the context of games. When using only the relative value, low-valued Options may be selected because the choice is in the end random, resulting in an AI that acts chaotically and disorganized.

A typical approach to tune the behavior within this spectrum is to take only a subset of Options into consideration for the choice, e.g. "the three highest-valued ones" ot "those with a value of at least 80% of the highest-valued one", and make a weighted random choice between these.

pychology uses the Dual Utility Reasoner. Its Options use two values to express their utility, namely rank and weight. Rank is used for the preselection, in that only the Options with the highest rank will be considered for selection; Weight operates just like utility for the purpose of then making the final choice. Considerations in turn return three values, namely

  • rank, where an Option's rank is the highest of the ranks of its Considerations,
  • bonus, which is typically 0.0 for each consideration except the tuning consideration, where it is 1.0; The boni of all considerations get summed up, typically resulting in 1.0. This then acts as a factor to the Option's weight. While best ignored most of the time, the bonus can be used as a way to give an option a lot more weight under some circumstance.
  • multiplier, which is basically the utility as laid out above, and gets multiplied with the bonus.

Looked at again from the bottom up, ...

  • Considerations return rank, bonus, and multiplier, which an...
  • Option combines into rank and weight by using the highest rank value, and the sum of the boni times all multipliers.
  • The Reasoner then takes the Options with the highest rank and makes a weighted random choice between them; In the case that all options with the highest rank have a weight of 0.0, it will consider the next-highest, and so on. FIXME: If all ranks are empty, should that throw an Exception or return a default plan? Right now, it causes a ValueError in the decider.

With this approach, a designer can sort Options into ranks by their urgency (which may vary based on circumstances), and then design their utility as usual, resulting in a behavior that is both superficially believable and apparently spontaneous.

Additionally, the Dual Utility Reasoner allows to address several recurring problems in behavior design by using a set of design patterns for utility functions.

Directed Graph Search

Consider games like Tic Tac Toe, Four in a Row, Checkers, Chess, Go. They can all be modeled in terms of current states, actions that players are able to take when the game is in a certain state, and successor states that the game will be in if a certain set of actions is taken. This principle also applies to complex video games, especially when it comes to problems like pathfinding and action planning.

Game states can be considered as nodes in a graph, and the corresponding valid actions as directed edges from node to node. To play a game like that well then means to find a path through the graph one step at a time, trying to steer the movement into a preferable area of the graph that will provide the most beneficial outcome, while opposing players try to steer it into areas preferable to themselves. Graph search then is the application of raw computing resources to build the graph of possible future game states out from the current state, and finding the paths through it that lead to the optimal possible future state. This search can be improved on both by clever optimizations on the search itself, and through expert knowledge expressed as heuristic functions.

To make a problem tractable to search, it has to be formulated as functions:

  • players() returns a list of players in the game,
  • game_winner(state) determines whether a player has won in the given state,
  • legal_moves(state) gives a list of actions that each player can take, and
  • make_moves(state, moves) returns the state that the game is in when the players make the indicated moves.

In addition to these core functions, different aspects that may be used in the search may require additional functions:

  • hash_state(state) creates a value that identifies the state. It should do so uniquely, meaning that no two states have the same hash; However, hash functions for which that is not guaranteed have been used successfully, e.g. Zobrist hashing for chess.

    This function is used by the TranspositionTable implementation for state storage, allowing states to be stored as a directed graph instead of a tree, which allows for states to be reused, should different sequences of moves lead to them.

    FIXME: There are still some occurrences of hash_state in the code that are not yet contained in the TranspositionTable.

  • evaluate_state(state) generates a numerical value that expresses how good the given state is for the player; If one of two states is better than the other, its evaluation should be higher than the other's.

    This entry is special as the game should provide a dictionary of evaluation functions. This allows for configuring the playing strength of the search.

    FIXME: This function should default to using the result of game_winner to generate basic valuations (math.inf / -math.inf / 0 for winning, losing, and a draw respectively), so that providing an evaluation function truly is optional. Similarly the MCTS evaluation function should be selectable without being specified in the game. Both these features still need to be implemented.

Finally, there is a set of functions used by the command line tool to provide a textual interface to games.

  • initial_state() defines the state of the board at the beginning of the game.
  • query_ai_players() returns a list of players that should be played by the search.
  • visualize_state(state) unsurprisingly outputs the state for the user.
  • query_action() asks the user(s) which move they want to make.

All of these functions then are put together in a class which gets passed to the search on its creation time, together with the current state and the player for which the search should find the best action. In this example, we use a random mover "search":

from import RandomAI

search = RandomAI(game, state, player)
action =

To assemble and configure a search, we use the Search class as the base, and add classes that implement aspects of the search, which the base class itself does not; It only manages the core cycle of the graph search algorithm, which consists of...

  • choosing the state(s) to expand during this cycle, and for each of them...
  • determining whether any player has won the game in it (and doing nothing with it if that is the case; Terminal states can not be expanded further),
  • determining the combinations of actions that players can / might want to take in this state, and for each of them...
  • determining the successor state that doing so would lead to,
  • storing that state and transition,
  • and if the state is not known yet, evaluating the state and enqueue it for expansion.
  • Finally, once all actions are processed and all successors created and evaluated, the original state is re-evaluated (now based on its successors' values, not its own), and the resulting value is recursively passed on to its parent(s), which then is also re-evaluated, and so on, until the updated value has reached every node for which it is relevant.

The core loop itself is embedded into a loop which steps it until some termination condition is met, e.g. the search graph is fully expanded, has grown beyond a certain number of nodes, or has completely searched the graph up to a certain depth.

However, it specifies nothing at all about how each step in particular should be performed, and those implementation details can radically influence how the search performs in different scenarios. They can be categorized into several aspects of the search, each encapsulating one to three functions alluded to in the explanation of the core loop:

  • Storage: Sets up the data structure in which states and the transitions between them are stored, allows for those steps to be done, and manages the backpropagation of updated state evaluations through the relevant nodes. Currently, only a transposition table is implemented.
  • Tree expansion: Steps the core loop, within the limits it implements.
  • State selection: Typically a FIFO or LIFO queue, making the search happen breadth-first or depth-first. A priority queue (e.g. for A*) is planned.
  • Action expansion: Creates a list of move combinations that players may want to take. Typically, all legal possibilities are considered, but if doing so leads to too high a branching factor, functions that leverage expert knowledge for a game (or, theoretically at this time, machine learning models) may create more selective lists.
  • State evaluation: A game's evaluation functions provide a value for a state from each player's perspective. This capability combines those values into one overall score, as seen from the perspective of the player for who we are doing the search. For example, in the game Four in a Row, each player's heuristic evaluation score can be based on how many lines there are with which the player can place winning lines, and how many pieces they have put into each of those lines already. The state evaluation then can, for example, subtract the opponent's value from the searching player's value, making the search consider blocking the opponent's lines as valuable as preparing one's own lines; This approach considers games to be zero sum games.
  • Action evaluation: Once a state has been expanded, each action that a player can take can be valued based on the states that it can lead to; These may be multiple states if other players may also contribute actions to the move. By extension, the expanded state itself is also given a value based on those of the actions. The typical approach to this is minimax (the game theory one, not the tree search algorithm one which is based on the former). We assume that whatever we do, the opponent will do whatever is worst for us and selects the transition which will minimize the score for our action. Between those options we then choose the action providing the highest score (the best of all the worst options), or, more precisely, store all the best actions (as multiple may have the same value) for later action selection.
  • Action selection: Chooses the action to take based on the current knowledge, randomness, or whatever else may come to mind.
  • Analysis: With this optional capability, information about the search that was just performed may be extracted. Useful for debugging and performance measurement.

And when we put this all together:

from import TranspositionTable, NodeLimitedExpansion,
    SingleNodeBreadthSearch, AllCombinations, ZeroSumPlayer, Minimax,
    BestMovePlayer, Search

class MySearch(
    TranspositionTable,       # Storage: Directed graph
    NodeLimitedExpansion,     # Tree expansion: Abort the expansion loop
                              # once the limit set by the `node_limit`
                              # has been reached or exceeded.
    SingleNodeBreadthSearch,  # State selection: Expand one node at a
                              # time, in the order that successors are
                              # found in
    AllCombinations,          # Action expansion: Consider all
                              # combinations of legal moves.
    ZeroSumPlayer,            # State evaluation: A state's value is the
                              # player value minus all opponent values.
    Minimax,                  # Action evaluation: Expect opponents to
                              # make the move worst for us, and us to
                              # make the one best for us.
    BestMovePlayer,           # Action selection: Choose the highest-
                              # valued successor to move to.
    node_limit = 10000

search = MySearch(game, state, player)
action =



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