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* Support new Twitch API
  • Loading branch information
TheDrHax committed Oct 5, 2017
1 parent 278fe49 commit bea23d0
Showing 1 changed file with 81 additions and 292 deletions.
373 changes: 81 additions & 292 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,307 +1,96 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import requests, sys, time, os, json, shutil, argparse, datetime

# On Python 2, the function to use is raw_input
input = raw_input
# And the native string type is bytes, so we need UTF-8
def enc(s): return s.encode('utf-8')
except NameError:
# On Python 3, the input() function is the one we want.
# And the native string type is Unicode.
def enc(s): return s
import sys
import json
import datetime

# Parse arguments
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Twitch Chat Downloader')
parser.add_argument('-v', '--video', help='Video id')
parser.add_argument('-i', '--client-id', help='Twitch client id')
parser.add_argument('-p', '--print', dest='p', help='Print messages', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', help='Output folder')
parser.add_argument('-f', '--format', help='Message format', choices=['timestamp', 'relative', 'srt', 'ssa', 'ass', 'raw'])
parser.add_argument('--cooldown', type=float, help='Cooldown time between API requests in seconds')
parser.add_argument('--start', type=int, help='Start time in seconds from video start')
parser.add_argument('--stop', type=int, help='Stop time in seconds from video start')
parser.add_argument('--subtitle-duration', type=int, help='If using a subtitle format, subtitle duration in seconds')
import requests

arguments = parser.parse_args()

# Get video ID
videoId = 'v' +'v', '')
videoId = 'v' + input('Video ID: ').replace('v', '')
class Messages(list):
def __init__(self, video_id):
self.video_id = video_id
self.base_url = "" % video_id

# Program requires at least example.setting.json or settings.json to run properly
if not os.path.isfile('example.settings.json') and not os.path.isfile('settings.json'):
print('Error: Missing settings file.')
self.client = requests.Session()
self.client.headers["Acccept"] = "application/vnd.twitchtv.v5+json"
self.client.headers["Client-ID"] = "jzkbprff40iqj646a697cyrvl0zt2m6"

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TheSneakySniper Oct 5, 2017

Don't forget to remove your client ID after testing

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TheDrHax Oct 5, 2017

Author Owner

It's not my client_id. You can simply find it in livestreamer repo. I thought it is public enough to reuse it in the script.

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TheSneakySniper Oct 5, 2017

Oh I see

# Copy settings example file if settings.json doesn't exist
if not os.path.isfile('settings.json'):
shutil.copyfile('example.settings.json', 'settings.json')
def __iter__(self):
self.cursor = None
self.stop = False
return self

# Load settings
with open('settings.json', 'r') as settings_file:
settings = json.load(settings_file)
def _load_more(self):
if self.cursor is None:
url = self.base_url + "?content_offset_seconds=0"
url = self.base_url + "?cursor=" + self.cursor

# Check settings version
if os.path.isfile('example.settings.json'):
with open('example.settings.json', 'r') as example_settings_file:
exampleSettings = json.load(example_settings_file)
if 'version' not in settings:
print('[Warning]\nYour settings.json file does not contain a version number. Compare settings.json to example.settings.json to make sure it\'s up to date.\n')
response = self.client.get(url).json()

elif 'version' in settings and settings['version'] != exampleSettings['version']:
print('[Warning]\nYour settings.json file is outdated. Compare settings.json to example.settings.json.\nYour version: ' + settings['version'] + '\nNewest version: ' + exampleSettings['version'] + '\n')
for comment in response["comments"]:

# Check if a client_id was provided as an argument
if arguments.client_id:
if not arguments.client_id == settings['client_id']:
settings['client_id'] = arguments.client_id
answer = input('Save client ID? (Y/n): ')
if (not answer.lower() == "n"):
with open('settings.json', 'w') as settings_file:
json.dump(settings, settings_file)
self.cursor = response["_next"]

# Check if client_id is required
if settings['require_client_id'] and not settings['client_id']:
print("Twitch requires a client ID to use their API.\nRegister an application on to get yours.")
settings['client_id'] = input('Client ID: ')
answer = input('Save client ID? (Y/n): ')
if (not answer.lower() == "n"):
with open('settings.json', 'w') as settings_file:
json.dump(settings, settings_file)
if self.cursor is None or len(self) == 0:
self.stop = True

# Get client id parameter for URL
def getClientIdParameter():
if (settings['client_id']):
return 'client_id='+settings['client_id'] + '&'
return ''

# Overwrite remaining settings with arguments
if arguments.p:
settings['print'] = arguments.p

if arguments.format:
settings['format'] = arguments.format

if arguments.cooldown:
settings['cooldown'] = arguments.cooldown

if arguments.subtitle_duration:
settings['subtitle_duration'] = arguments.subtitle_duration

apiUrl = ''

# Get start and stop time by looking at the 'detail' message from Twitch
# If you query this API with invalid an invalid timestamp (none or out of range),
# it will tell you the start and stop timestamp, however, in text format.
response = requests.get(apiUrl + '?' + str(getClientIdParameter()) + 'start=0&video_id=' + videoId).json()

# Parse response for start and stop
# The response will look something like this
# {
# "errors": [
# {
# "status": 400,
# "detail": "0 is not between 1469108651 and 1469133795"
# }
# ]
# }
# As the start and stop timestamp is (for some weird reason)
# in text format, we have to parse the response.
detail = response['errors'][0]['detail'].split(' ') # We split the detail string into an array

# Check if valid video ID
# If the length is 8, it's (most likely) invalid
# If the length is 7, it's (most likely) valid
if len(detail) != 7:
if settings['require_client_id']:
print('Error: Invalid video or client ID')
print('Error: Invalid video ID')

# Start and stop points
start = int(detail[4]) # The start timestamp is on index 4
stop = int(detail[6]) # while stop has the index 6

# Original start and stop
fullStart = start # Keep original full-length start point
fullStop = stop # Keep original full-length stop potin

# Used message ids
# Every message has an unique ID, which can be used for checking if we've already stored it.
messageIds = []

# Open output file
# This is where we save the messages.

# Output directory

if arguments.output:
directory = arguments.output
directory = settings['output']

if not os.path.exists(directory):

# Open file (different file extension for subtitle formats)
if settings['format'] == 'srt' or settings['format'] == 'ssa' or settings['format'] == 'ass':
file = open(directory + '/' + videoId + '.' + settings['format'], 'w')
elif settings['format'] == 'raw':
file = open(directory + '/' + videoId + '.json', 'w')
file = open(directory + '/' + videoId + '.txt', 'w')

# Add format line if SSA/ASS subtitle format
if settings['format'] == 'ssa' or settings['format'] == 'ass':
file.write('[Script Info]\n')

# Hack for videojs-ass
file.write('PlayResX: 1280\n')
file.write('PlayResY: 720\n')

file.write('\n[V4 Styles]\n')
file.write(settings['ssa_style_format'] + '\n')
file.write(settings['ssa_style_default'] + '\n')

file.write(settings['ssa_events_format'] + '\n')

# When saving as raw format (json), messages will be added to this
# object array and written to file after fetching all the messages
# to avoid opening, reading, writing to and closing the file for every
# message.
rawData = []

# Stop time argument
if arguments.stop and start + arguments.stop <= stop:
stop = start + arguments.stop

# Start time argument
if arguments.start:
start += arguments.start

# Download messages from timestamps between start and stop.
timestamp = start

while timestamp <= stop:

# Wait for cooldown timer and request new messages from Twitch
# The API returns the next 30 seconds of messages
response = requests.get(apiUrl + '?start=' + str(timestamp) + '&video_id=' + videoId).json()
data = response['data'];

# Increase timestamp to get the next 30 seconds of messages in the next loop
timestamp += 30

for message in data:

# Timestamp for message (seconds)
messageTimestampInSeconds = message['attributes']['timestamp']/1000.

# Check the unique message ID to make sure it's not already saved.
if not any(message['id'] in s for s in messageIds) and messageTimestampInSeconds <= stop:

# If this is a new message, save the unique ID to prevent duplication later.
date = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z', time.gmtime(messageTimestampInSeconds))
sender = enc(message['attributes']['from'])
color = message['attributes']['color']
text = enc(message['attributes']['message'])

if color is None:
color = 'FFFFFF'
def next(self):
if len(self) == 0:
if self.stop is True:
raise StopIteration
color = color.replace('#', '')

# Bugfix
color = str(color)

# Timestamp format
if settings['format'] == 'timestamp':
line = date + ' ' + sender + ': ' + text + '\n'
printLine = '\033[94m' + date + ' \033[92m'+ sender + '\033[0m' + ': ' + text

# Relative timestamp format
if settings['format'] == 'relative':
messageRelativeTimestamp = str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=messageTimestampInSeconds - start))

if len(messageRelativeTimestamp) == 7:
messageRelativeTimestamp += '.000000'

line = messageRelativeTimestamp[:-3] + ' ' + sender + ': ' + text + '\n'
printLine = '\033[94m' + messageRelativeTimestamp[:-3] + ' \033[92m'+ sender + '\033[0m' + ': ' + text

# Subtitle formats
if settings['format'] in {'srt', 'ass', 'ssa'}:
subtitleStart = str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=messageTimestampInSeconds - start))
subtitleStop = str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=messageTimestampInSeconds - start + settings['subtitle_duration']))

# Bugfix - add milliseconds if missing
if len(subtitleStart) == 7:
subtitleStart += '.000000'

if len(subtitleStop) == 7:
subtitleStop += '.000000'

# srt format
if settings['format'] == 'srt':
line = str(len(messageIds)) + '\n' + subtitleStart[:-3] + ' --> ' + subtitleStop[:-3] + '\n' + sender + ': ' + text + '\n\n'
printLine = printLine = '\033[94m' + subtitleStart + ' \033[92m'+ sender + '\033[0m' + ': ' + text

# SSA/ASS format
# Note: sender's color code is reversed for SSA and ASS format.
if settings['format'] == 'ssa' or settings['format'] == 'ass':

# SSA/ASS expects BGR instead of RBG
BGRColor = color[4:6] + color[2:4] + color[0:2]

line = 'Dialogue: Marked=0, ' + subtitleStart[:-4] + ', ' + subtitleStop[:-4] + ', Default, ' + sender + ', 0000, 0000, 0000 , , {\c&H' + BGRColor + '&}' + sender + '{\c&HFFFFFF&}: ' + text + '\n'
printLine = printLine = '\033[94m' + str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=messageTimestampInSeconds - start)) + ' \033[92m'+ sender + '\033[0m' + ': ' + text

if settings['format'] == 'raw':

# Save messages to file unless saving raw data.
# This is done after download all messages
if settings['format'] != 'raw':

# Print messages, if not, show progress
if settings['print']:

#Show progress %
progress = round((timestamp - start)*100 / float(stop - start), 2)

# Bugfix: progress can go slightly above 100% on the last loop
if progress > 100.0:
progress = 100.0

sys.stdout.write('Downloading ' + str(int(messageTimestampInSeconds - start)) + '/' + str(stop - start) + 's (' + str(progress) + '%) \r')

# If format is set to raw, save raw data
if settings['format'] == 'raw':

# Close file
sys.stdout.write('Finished downloading ' + videoId + '\r')

return self.pop(0)

class SubtitlesASS(object):
def __init__(self, file):
self.file = open(file, mode='w+')

'[Script Info]\n',
'PlayResX: 1280\n',
'PlayResY: 720\n',
'[V4 Styles]\n',
'Format: Name, Fontname, Fontsize, PrimaryColour, SecondaryColour, TertiaryColour, BackColour, Bold, Italic, BorderStyle, Outline, Shadow, Alignment, MarginL, MarginR, MarginV, AlphaLevel, Encoding\n',
'Style: Default,Arial,20,65535,65535,65535,-2147483640,-1,0,1,3,0,1,5,0,5,0,0\n',
'Format: Marked, Start, End, Style, Name, MarginL, MarginR, MarginV, Effect, Text\n'

self.line_format = 'Dialogue: Marked=0, {start}, {end}, Default, {user}, , 0000, 0000, 0000, , {user}: {message}\n'

def _date(self, seconds):
result = str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=seconds))
if '.' not in result:
result += '.000000'
return result

def add(self, comment):
time_offset = comment['content_offset_seconds']

end=self._date(time_offset + 2),

def close(self):

if __name__ == "__main__":
s = SubtitlesASS('test.ass')

for comment in Messages(179882105):


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