$ (sudo) virtualenv -p python3 /python-flask-scrappy
To activate your virtualenv:
$ source /python-flask-scrappy/bin/activate
if having issues with pkg-resources==0.0.0
, remove from requirements.txt (some ubuntu error with metadata)
$ (sudo not recommended) pip3 install -r requirements.txt
To run Flask:
$ cd flask_web_app/
$ python movie_manager.py
go to port
You will see an error because postgres has not been installed yet
$ cd ..
Remove previous versions of PostgreSQL
$brew uninstall --force postgresql
Delete all Files of Postgres
$ rm -rf /usr/local/var/postgres
Install Postgres with Homebrew
$ brew install postgres
Install PostGIS with Homebrew
$ brew install postgis
Create the db and Movie table:
installed Postgres desktop app
initialized a new server
went to postgres, auto opened terminal window with postgres initialized
$ \d
$ CREATE TABLE movies (id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, title TEXT, url TEXT, image TEXT);
$ \d
$ source /python-flask-scrappy/bin/activate
Go into directory with scrappy cd scrapper/movieScraper/movieScraper
$ scrapy crawl imdb_scrap