Have you ever tried to access a website but it does not loads???😭
And you wondered "Is it just me can't access the website?"
Well, I have created this useless project to answer that question.😏
well, I also asked myself "Why did I wasted my time creating this project?"
Then I answered "I need to do this for the sake of useless things!"
Hmmm, why should i use it?😑🙄
I DON'T Really KNOW!
Spoiler Ahead
Seriously, No spoiler dumby.
Get Bat2Exe Converter in my compiler github repository
download it and run it.
Open the script "Down for Everyone or Just Me.bat" from the menu.
The script should appear.
Select Embedded menu.
click add.
Select all the files except the main script.
Credit me 😋
click save or hit ctrl + s on your keyboard.
click on "Convert" button
The it should start compiling it...
Haha!, Wait, Why did I Laughed?
Well, Just D0wNlOad this Pr0Jext Or F0RK THis My keyboard are DruNk
Windows Defender and several anti-virus detects this as Trojan:Win32/Wacatac.D6!ml. I can assure that this program is safe.
Please turn off your anti-virus before using this program.