A pure python implementation of the GIMP xcf image format.
This was created primarily to serve as a file conversion tool for my smartimage library (coming soon). The idea is you can "upgrade" from a GIMP document to a smartimage.
That being said, it should be generally useful to those who want to fiddle with GIMP files using Python.
Currently supports:
* Loading xcf files (up to current GIMP version 2.10)
* Getting image hierarchy and info
* Getting image for each layer (PIL image)
* .gbr brushes
* .vbr brushes
* .gpl palette files
* .pat pattern files
Currently testing/unstable:
* Saving
* Programatically alter documents (add layer, etc)
* gimp .gtp tool preset files - scheme file format is difficult to parse
* .ggr gradients - reads/saves fine, but I need to come up with a way to get the actual colors
* .gih brush sets - BUG: seems to have more image data per brush than what's expected
* .gpb brush - should work, but I need some test files
Currently not implemented:
* Rendering a final, compositied image
* Exported paths in .svg format. - Reading should be easy enough, but I need to ensure I don't get a full-blown svg in the mix
* Standard "parasites"
The home for this project is on my website, here: https://theheadlesssourceman.wordpress.com/2019/05/10/gimpformats/