Simple social website project where users can share posts to community. This web application is made with purpose of practicing PHP and making apps in MVC architecture.
- Browsing shared posts
- Registration
- Login
- Ability of sharing new post
⚡ Well first, I've googled a lot. That seems to be an inevitably tool.
- Visual Studio Code (writing PHP + HTML + CSS)
- XAMPP for Windows 7.4.1
- phpMyAdmin @ localhost (MySql)
- Bootstrap v4.4
🚨 * MD5 encryption is used for password storing purposes because of simplicity, switch to safer algorithm if you are going to use parts of this code in your applications.
In Documentation folder in this repository, there is database SQL dump sharedposts.sql included.
- Host a local web server on your computer with XAMPP or similar technology
- Create a database of your choice (or just name it sharesposts) on phpMyAdmin
- Copy and execute full content of sharedposts.sql in query
- Tweak config.php file for database parameters (such as DB_HOST, DB_USER, etc.)
- And run it writing localhost/sharedPost/sharedPost/ in your browser (because of additional GitHub folder ...)