Welcome to my very own main page. Reminder: I am being as simple as I can in my README, so do not expect too much aesthetic here.
- 20y.
- From Brazil.
- Anime appreciator, not really an otaku. -_-
- Gemini ♊️ (I actually don't trust zodiac signs XD).
- I love my world's best friend, she's called Nicole, and I love her sooooooooooo muuuuchhhhhhhhh aaawwwwwwww <3.
Time to talk about what I do/do not.
- I work with music (speed mixes).
- Back to study the programming after some days.
- I explore a bit of everything.
- Studying (or trying to study) hard for exams that will occur next month.
- Currently working for translations at Nebulous.io (will look for more places soon).
- Currently making a typeface for work. May I create a repo to show others than that one.
Account created with main purpose to contribute with translations, explore programming resources, and open-source apps to check out. For now I am lazy to describe more, but when I get time, will surely tell more than this here. That's all I would like to show about me for now. <3
Currently contributing to:
- 🇪🇪 Estonian
- 🇵🇹 Portuguese
- 🇷🇴 Romanian
Currently contributing to:
- 🇵🇹 Portuguese
Currently contributing to:
- 🇷🇴 Romanian