What Is? party service is an open-source module that facilitates the creation of party systems, it is very simple to use
Why Use It?
- easy to create party systems
- frequently updated
- send data between places
- available documentation
- idk, it's cool! i guess
- open-source
Get the Model Roblox | GitHub | a random site i published it | Documentation
How to Use
first get the model or use the module id to get updates automatically
local PartyService = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.PartyService)
local PartyService = require(9771730581)
if you want to create a party you can use:
PartyService:Create(Player, PlaceId, PartyName, MaxPlayers)
-- Owner: the party owner/party leader, it doesn't matter
-- PlaceId: the place id of the place the players will be teleported to
-- PartyName (optional): a string that can be used to display to other players, if nil it will be set to "[OwnerName]`s Party"
-- MaxPlayers (optional): self explanatory, the module does not add more players if the limit is already reached. if it is 0 or nil the limit will be set to 50
if you want to delete a party use:
-- Party: the table that is returned from PartyService:Create()
if you want to add a player to a party use:
PartyService:AddPlayer(Player, Party)
-- Player: the player to be added
-- Party: the table that is returned from PartyService:Create()
if you want to remove a player from a party use:
PartyService:RemovePlayer(Player, Party)
-- Player: the player to be removed
-- Party: the table that is returned from PartyService:Create()
if you want to kick a player from a party use:
PartyService:KickPlayer(Player, Party)
-- Player: the player to be kicked
-- Party: the table that is returned from PartyService:Create()
if you want to start a party use:
-- Party: the table that is returned from PartyService:Create()
if you want to teleport players back from a game use:
PartyService:TeleportToLobby(LobbyId, PlayersTable)
-- LobbyId: the place id of the lobby the players will be teleported to
-- PlayersTable: a table with the instance of the players to be teleported
if you want to test a game started from a party in studio use:
-- FakeData: a test data that the place would receive from a party
if you want to save a data to be read later when the party starts use:
-- Data: data to be sent
Some example codes a simple script that creates parties when the player enters the game (on the lobby place):
local PartyService = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.PartyService) -- requires de module
game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(plr) -- when a player enters the game
local NewParty = PartyService:Create(plr, PlaceId, "cool party", 4) -- creates a new party
plr.PlayerGui.Gui.StartButton.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function() -- when start button is pressed
PartyService:StartParty(NewParty) -- starts the party
a simple script that detects when the game started by a party and places the selected map in workspace:
local PartyService = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.PartyService)
local LobbyPlaceId = 12345678 -- lobby place id
local FakeData = { -- for testing reasons
["Map"] = "TestMap", -- a test map you have or a random map you have
["Inventories"] = {
["CavaleiroDev"] = "TestSword", -- your name and a test sword or a random sword you have
PartyService:SetPartyServerEmulator(FakeData) -- now the game will recognize when you test in roblox studio
PartyService.ServerStarted:Connect(function(PartyData, PartyInfo) -- put here the code to start the game
local Map = game.ReplicatedStorage:FindFirstChild(PartyData["Map"]) -- gets the map data in the table
if Map then
Map:Clone().Parent = workspace
warn("error: no map selected")
PartyService:TeleportToLobby(LobbyPlaceId , game.Players:GetChildren())
for PlayerName, Weapon in pairs(PartyData["Inventories"]) do -- gets the players inventory data in the table
local WeaponModel = game.ReplicatedStorage.Weapons:FindFirstChild(Weapon)
local player = game.Players:FindFirstChild(PlayerName)
if WeaponModel then
if player then
WeaponModel:Clone().Parent = player.Backpack
Update logs
Info thanks for reading this far
I hope this module has helped you, if you want the model you can get it here . If you have any questions or find a bug please feel free to comment below.
oh and thank you so much for the 100 sales 🥳🥳🥳.